Torch - holding left doesn't work

I’m not sure why, but after the last update I cannot hold left to use my torch. I have to go into my inventory and equip it.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
I play on PS4 Pro.

The 1.2.5 Patch disabled the ‘quick torch’ you can still go in manually and equip it, under weapons. I’ve also noticed that now I seem to take out my weapon when switching over to the “Haggling” option, while dealing with traders. Be cautious using the D-pad in conversations. (Not sure if the second part was always there or is a by product of 1.2.5)

I can’t see any reasons for them to disable “quick torch”. My god in heaven, it’s been a couple of awkward situations when guards yells at me for not having a torch out at night.

there is no reason it was a mistake and will be available after next patch again

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Glad they are honorable enough to admit their mistakes! :slight_smile:

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Holding 1 (one) equips torch quickly too. Still works normally after 1.2.5.

Yeah, but not on PS4 though. No 1 to hold. :wink:

I see :smile: :smile: