If only that worked in real life. XD Save you the trouble of stupid boring conversations you don’t want.
Never tried it have you? telemarketers stopped calling me years ago.
So, its 21th of June! I want to smthng! Just dreams and imaginations?
WHat happening? Smbdy say me smthng usefull! Not end of June!
How does early July sound?
But seriously we will have to wait until @TobiTobsen or another Dev team member post to hear anything further officially.
Of course it works. And if you are kung fu master it can be very deadly.
Did you actually watch that whole movie?
I did. And it was brilliant! That is if you like that kind of satire. Wish it was longer, but maybe due to it’s success we might see some new stuff from the Lazer Unicorn sutidos.
It was legit, too legit to quit.
I actually think it being shorter was good for it, being that insanely over the top and * explosions and 80’s guitar riff * PURE AWESOME TO THE MAX *explosions and 80’s guitar riff * can kill it begins to feel like the are trying to hard.
The only answer I have for this is a answer from Vavra some time ago when asked about saving in 0.4, so hoppefully they have got it into the game…
say smthng smbd about update news!
i think they might still be in america
I don’t know what flights they took but they said they were staying until the 20th.
i’m interested on the next inluded map
especially between the two villages!
Ohhh my god… but yes, but no, but yes, but no… amazing map pictures
Dam… go hibernate or something xD