Thats your chance! You can ask your questions to our Historical Consultant Joanna “Asia” Nowak now:
What way does Catholic Poland view Czech Reformation in general and Hussite wars in particular?
What kind of understanding regarding today’s 90% atheism rate in the Czech Republic is there in Poland?
- Why didnt you like philosophy?
- How much time do you spend in archives ? How hard was it for you to find documents and facts about everyday life in medieval Bohemia ?
- Whats your favourite romanesque/gothical cathedral?
4)* Sorry if it sounds agressive, did you study history or history of art? Since you worked in some cool jobs like conservation ?
Personal I find the answer for this question very interesting. At last no favourite.
- Who would be your favourite King: Wenceslaus IV. or Sigismund and why?
Do you have a advice for books or exhibitions about this two guys and why they where liked or disliked by some folks at their time, why these brothers acted as they did.
I’m also curious about the intro discussion about the political situation in KCD at the tavern. Will it explaine why Wenceslaus was expected to go on to be crowned as emperor?
And why his unwillingness to become emperor created anger?
So I know that the events, the location, the props, weapons and clothing have all been modelled close to the historical reality, likely thanks to your counsel. Now I am wondering, how much did you have your hands in creation of the NPCs?
I imagine that all but a few are fictional, but how close is their behaviour and dialogue modelled according to the medieval mindset, culture, customs and beliefs? When interacting with them, will we find things that are alien to us, or are they acting more like modern people in front of a historical backdrop?
Hi, I have some questions for Joanna:
First, let me say how delighted I am that Warhorse has a “Historical Accuracy” person! So many games try to make things look medieval to the untrained eye, but to anyone with real interest it’s easy to see where they didn’t know what was truth from what is commonly accepted fiction. So I’m VERY glad that you work at Warhorse! Of course I also understand all the constraints you and your coworkers are under so I don’t think anyone expects a perfectly historical game. When it comes to medieval historical accuracy so many things are still unknown and there are sometimes several opposing views on what the truth really was, and what I personally find most exasperating is the medieval people’s near total lack of consistency and standardization! So on to my questions!
What are your main sources of information on historical material, architecture, clothing, agriculture, weapons, armor, etc for the game? Do you often search for answers from multiple sources to compare the opinions? What source is your favorite and why?
Thanks for your participation in this project!
Phoenix Arizona, USA
This is interview I was looking for! At first, what you are doing in WH is the most interesting stuff for me. And I must say, you are very pretty!
But hey, let’s get to questions
- During your work, did you have to browse into any historical fechtbuch? Books like Cod.HS.3227a (Hanko Dobringer) or Oettingen-Wallerstein Cod. I.6.4o.2 (so called Codex Wallerstein)? Will be possible to see one of these or similar books in game? We know there are books, we know that letters are most likely shuffled, because we must learn how to read first. But we don’t know what we can find (on the second thought, maybe i dont want to know, so I can be surprised
- How about Codex Gigas? How about to make it kinda easter egg, hidden in Sázava monastery?
- Have you read “Husitská epopej” by Vlastimil Vondruška? If yes, what do you think about it? Very first chapters are taking place in very same era as KCD, maybe we will be able to see in Kingdom Come very same historical events from books, but described by someone else, from different angle?
- Do you have your favorite place on in game map? Which one?
Enough questions, too many of them can ruin the magic around your work
Yay! Codex Gigas! Become the ultimate cultist and gain powers over… god fearing common folk
Thank you for your hard work I have plenty of questions:
1: Have you found in during your studies for the game, graphical evidence, be it wood-engravings, illiustrations, tapestry, effigees (esp, donor figures) or textual information for a dedicated accoutrement for caring axes (no not the belt itself but a dedicated accoutrement, worn at the belt)? My earliest findings are from the 16th century, it was a wood engraving of either Dürer or Burkmaier but I don’t find the picture of it anymore.
2: What kind of books did you used, of course the “Kroje, zbroj a zbraně doby předhusitské a husitské” from Eduard Wagner, Zoroslava Drobná, and Jan Durdík I presume but could you give a list of other books of this caliber, which you have used. Of course a list of codices would also be appreciated at some point of time?
3: Have you found something interesting, stumbling in your research?
4: Will you publish eventual results of your research, if you found enough to release a paper?
5: Will you publish the sources you have used at some point of time. I would be very interessted.
6: Will you publish photos of effiges, tapesty or illustration (first hand sources) at some point in the future. I think scientifically interessted persons would love to see evtl. rare findings.
7: What is the status of the scabbards and straps (for shields and quivers)? If they are not there in the game yet (presumably from the latest live stream) what is your opinion of this IMHO situation that there are no scabbards and straps in the game albeit small details like the correct color of carrots and chicken are considered?
And a small plea, please do your best to encourge the others to implement scabbards and straps.
What can you tell me about bucklers in Kingdom Come Deliverance? Are they implemented? If they are, do we get the cool bucklers with spikes on them as well?
I am asking you, because whether bucklers are implemented or not, you were most certainly involved in the decision in some way and I would be really interested to know about it.
What would like to tell about Henry like a person.Do you like him or do you have some other favorite character(nemusíš psát jména je to tajemství )And hi DrFessupuli
Nice Galsterweib. I never heard this word and had to google the meaning.
Now I hope for more of such “new” old words!
I also like that there will be individual speech styles. You mentioned peasants, merchants, artisans to noblemen and women. How about craftsman with some technical jargon or spouting priests?
I suppose that in the English version, English takes place of Czech, while there may be also some German and Hungarian spoken as the “other” languages" in the Czech version.
How do you deal with lack of German as “other” language in the German version of the game?
How do you project the Czech-Geman tensions when Czechs are speaking German in your language version?
Let me start by saying you tempt me to actually play the German version. Quite nice to hear how you look to make the language more fitting to the time and come up with equally fitting and colourful expletives :-). Seeing a line like “no time for this shit” really takes me out of the game:
(Hoping it’s just a placeholder, though)
OTOH, looking across the translation, there’s the bit of dialogue that is actually quite funny in the original:
“He was still sleeping when I went out”
“At this hour!? The blue-blooded idler”
“Well, it looks like he was out all evening drinking like a lord”
Unfortunately, the pun is lost completely in the translation.
Now I know, translating is never trivial, especially when it comes to playing with language as in the example above. So how do you go about it? Seeing how you’re basically working off an Excel document (that’ll be a sure way to stifle any creativity on the spot, in my book!), do you just translate line by line, or do you look at the bigger context, the flow of a dialogue and come up with something that retains the sense of the original, at the expense of the exact wording?
You are only translating german-english. Have you experience with other languages?
Have you played the Beta to get a feeling for the game and the dialoges?
Is KCD a kind of game you like to play? And if yes, will you play the game after release, or not, because you know every story twist?
How many hours will you need to translate all the dialoges (approximately)?
Will you voice act some parts? First translate the lines and then bring it to life…?
This is a really interesting question. I still hope that we can mix the spoken languages in game with good subtitles. So we are able to hear in game Czech, German, Hungarian, Latin etc. when those languages should be spoken.
From my point of view the Czech-German tensions where more about policy (who should be Emperor / King of Germany, tax breaks and better promotion prospects for German people in the kingdom of Bohemia). So in this case the language shows more the cultural background and isn’t the real reason for the tensions. The different languages strengthen the tensions because a lot of people couldn’t talk to the other side properly (lost in translation).
Not quite true:
- Germans were immigrants with high living standards (mainly due to being afforded special rights as a way of luring skilled workforce) - social tensions
- Germans by large and far were remaining loyal to Catholic Church at the time of rising Czech dissent to the Catholic church - religious tensions
- Germans were more loyal to King and Estates from whom they were deriving their rights (and protection), while among Czechs was a very high proportion of small land owners who were to a large extent free people - political tensions
Language was identifying mark, not the source of tensions.
1: Do you know if there might be a middle high-german/czech localization?
2: Will there be a a mode with middle-high german subtitles?