I really like the idea of an adaptive AI and I hope I can see some nice AI behaviour in the game.
I am also working by my own on an AI which remembers everything what the player/opponent has done and the AI will recognize the players/opponent behaviour even when you start a new game or shut the game down. I think this is what makes the AI to an AI. The ability to remember things and use them in the future. If a situation that had already occurred comes again the AI know what to do.
This means the AI will improve itself with every move you do as a player and will counter you, obviously.
At the end I try to develop an AI which can solve problems by only give it a few parameters. So it solve the problems nearly by itself.
Example: I only give the AI the moves (evade, attack, block, etc.) and the AI will try it against their opponents and will remeber which moves are the best against each type of opponent (archer, swordman, etc.).
If I can help you with the AI I would be pleased to do so