Ahoj Martin,
Immersion over all - count me in 
Thank you for caring of the small details and pleasing all people with a keen eyes for details (like me
Here are some questions 
1: In the beta there were open chests and sacks full op vegetables, will the visible content match the amount of objects. A chest full of apples (model with texture) but the content is one apple or vice versa does not look good 
2: Are you also responsible for the spawning of particle effects and decals. e.g, when someone chops wood, small splinter decals. Is there any possibility to tweak the lifetime so, that it depletes, when we do not face it on-camera… Disappearing objects on-camera are very immersive breaking, they can be destroyed (for performance reasons) if we do not see them and are not in close vicinity.
3: Will NPC who do not have a visible purse, still have smalllootable items besides the clothing, it would look strange if they would have more items like apples, or armor or anything that does not fit into pockets or purses.
4: Immersive buying:
OK let’s start with immersive buying and selling 
4.1: Will the shopkeepers, go to their storage and then one by one carry the selected items (I mean I couldn’t carry five helmets and two breastplate at once : ) ) and put them on the display?
4.2: Will Henry be able to grab those items and see them, e.g. rotate them to see them from all sides, just to make sure that it is still mint 
4.3: Then after the haggling, will Henry lay the amount of gold in a purse onto the display and the shopkeeper will count the money (will it be possible to cheat as to give less money into the purse) and can some shopkeepers be cheated upon, there might be still naive ones though
4.4: After the transaction you can then grab the items and equip them or put it in the purse 
4.5: During the whole process will it be possible to grab something from the display and steal it.
4.6. The whole stock should be in the storage which could be lock picked by night 
OK, how immersive does this sound and how many of those points will we see in the game if not due to release then maybe later ?
5: Now for immersive selling 
5.1: Will Henry put the selected items onto the display one by one?
5.2: Will then the Shopkeeper be able to grab those items and see them, e.g. rotate them to see them from all sides, just to make sure that it is still mint 
5.3: Then after the haggling, will the Shopkeeper lay the amount of gold in a purse onto the display and then the player might count the money (will it be possible that the shopkeeper cheat) and can Henry react to it?
5.4: After the transaction will the shopkeeper put the items one by one into his store.
5.5: During the whole process will it be possible that the shopkeeper grab something from the display and tries to steal it and how can Henry react to it?
5.6. The sold items should be in the storage which could be lock picked by night 
OK, how immersive does this sound and how many of those points will we see in the game if not due to release then maybe later ?
6: A more immersive GUI:
As a pen & paper game-master. I have encountered a phenomenon. After a while the players concentrate more about the optimization of the stats then on the role-play. Personally I try to counter this with more bonuses for good role-playing but I wondered that this is due to open numbers. Have you and your colleagues tried to create a GUI with no visible numbers at all. Percentages or more vague indicators like a scale from very bad to master (1 - 10) could be more immersive and could the player let more concentrate on the role playing than on number optimization. And even if you are a master there are still factors, like mood, hunger, fatigue, or some damn luck that might change the outcome of a battle.
I am just asking if you have ever thought about this. Of course internally the numbers must be exact 
7: In the latest game play shopkeepers sold Bandit Items? Will we have some black market stuff
And will this be sold off-hours 
8: Are the prices nearly authentic or are they lowered?