What will be the saving system?

Best solution in my opinion. You can leave the game whenever you want and it wont kill mood.

AND: It gives the game a big replay value (dont know better translation)


There is a problem with that imo: sometimes you possibly kill someone “by accident”, e.g. by clicking the wrong button. That’s one of the most frustrating things that could happen in Dark Souls for example. With a save system like that you wouldn’t be able to correct your error which means that you probably destroyed your whole campaign (the way you wanted to roleplay the game) and could begin from the start. That only leads to frustration for a huge number of people tbh.

But how about something like different options before beginning a campaign like:

  1. normal mode: free saving all the time (+quicksafe) + autosave + save and exit (which means more than one savegame per profile)
  2. ironman mode: autosave + save and exit (which means only one savegame per profile)

That way you could choose the system you like on your own and everyone would be happy.


Picture encountering a challenging battle with multiple enemies.
What would make sense to me is getting an autosave at the start of the battle and one at the end of it. Fragmenting the battle with a save file after each enemy will remove the challenge of it because you can reload after each enemy if you’re not satisfied with the outcome.
Getting to play from the beginning of the battle will get you to do a strategical plan upon reloading if the outcome was not successful which is more satisfying to the user experience rather than abusing the save system.
For exploration bits the user should be able to save anytime.

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Why not just reload the autosave then? Why should you start a new game?

But I would also be happy with your 2 mode solution…

Are your suggested save modes to be set separately from the difficulty modes?
Regarding mode 2 (limited to one save), do you mean each time it overwrites the previous save game?
If so then this wouldn’t matter much to me because when games use such checkpoint systems where I can’t see individual save games in-game I just make a back up of the save game folder (most often in AppData).
Problem solved. :slight_smile:


Yes and yes.

Mode 1: completely free system, as many savegames as you like (you can theoretically reroll everything everytime)

Mode 2: only one savegames like in Assassin’s Creed or Dark Souls for example (you can only load the latest progress)

That way you could choose whether you want some sort of “sandbox” mode in which you can try out different things and reroll “wrong” decisions or accidents or whether you want some “ironman mode” in which every decision and button prompt counts and you can’t reroll further decisions.

Maybe not, depends on situation. Maybe a cutscene starts just after you did something wrong and a new autosave gets created…that way you would have to live with it… :wink:

It definitely seems that they have looked towards Red Dead Redemption as model for many of the broader ways the game is constructed. They have mentioned campfires several times as well. I could foresee a save mechanism of building a campfire when you are outside of one of the towns and basically finding a bed when in the town. There would obviously be key checkpoint related saves on top of this.

They have also sort of hinted at consequences for just building a camp in the middle of nowhere. I think it could be an interesting mechanic that every time you build a camp out in the wilderness there is a dice roll that you might attract bandits or other unwanted attention. They mentioned that your dog could help alert you to these types of encounters.

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So at least 2 alternating autsave files would solve this problem?

Sophisticated games will create multiple auto-saves. :wink:
No frustration involved.

As far as I’m concerned, if you want to do that and ruin your game during the process by constantly worrying about saving as opposed to … Well, enjoying the game, feel free to. I don’t, and so I don’t save during combat even when a game allows me to. I see no reason to limit a player in how he wants to play the game, especially since implementing a save+exit system should actually be quite easy after you implement a save anywhere feature.

Sure. But that would still only cater to people who want some kind of ironman mode…

In an RPG many people prefer a flexible system. Just think of a really important decision in the middle of the game which influences the whole rest of the game. Imo it would be nice to load a savegame right before that decision after you completed the game for example to just try another way without playing the game completely again. :wink:

Imo a flexible system wouldn’t hurt anyone because anybody could choose the system they like.

Good point! I would also like to have this possibility. But I would still like to include this in a autosave system (maybe extra slots for special points in story), because …
… uff! hard to explain in english …

As far as I understood, (unlike many other games) KCD will define difficulty of enemy and quests from the beginning of the game. I think most people know what this means (in contrast to games like Oblivion for example) so I avoid to explain.
when you are far eneough in charakter progression to have a 50% chance to win against an enemy, you will maybe lose the first time, load, and win then. Thats ok.
But if you are only far enough to have a 10% chance against that enemy, then you can do so much save/load until you win. There has to be a penalty which prevents that.

You could say: “Just dont save/load so much if you dont like it”, but if there is a moment where you hard want to get forward in the game, and winning against this enemy will give you some boost of any kind, then you get weak and will make use of this glitch… Its just like choclat in front of you. You cant resist.

Developers, help me to resist! :smiley:

There’s something similar in the new Telltale games - you can basically ‘rewind’ to any part of a story and continue from a game autosaved at that point. That would be quite neat.

Depends on what the expectations are from the combat gameplay.
If parry/hit combinations make most of your gameplay experience then I don’t see a problem with free saving.

If an encounter could result in a different approach for the whole combat sequence instead of an individual approach for each enemy free saves would be a gamebreaker. Think of it as the ability to save in the middle of a raid in WoW.
I won’t do it, you will not - because we’ve been playing games long enough to appreciate it but given the opportunity many people will abuse it. They’ll not get to appreciate the combat design in it’s true meaning thus give bad reviews and things will start following a downwards appreciative trend.

That’s a good idea with the checkpoints…
And on the other matter (and following discusion) i’m for save system based on game difficulty.
For example: EASY: possibility of quick saves and loads (unrestricted), manual saves restricted to 5 based on game location and of course the lifefire checkpoints (LFCP)
MEDIUM: The LFCP, max 2 manual saves per location and max 5 quick saves & loads per location as well as in Vietcong (also czech game)
HARD: The LFCP and max 5 quick saves per location
HARDCORE (MEDIEVAL): You’ll play till your death end of story.
Also the MEDIEVAL difficulty would be for example unlocked after finishing whole story line on random difficulty (like in Diablo)

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Well… As I said, I am a fan of the ability to choose, and to be fair, I have never seen a good game getting drowned by negative critique because of abusable mechanics - that includes games like the elder scrolls series, Dishonored and similar.

Regardless, what you are talking about can quite simply be solved by giving player a choice, or to quite simply disallow saving during combat which I’m not opposed to.

I am for HC, the hardcore mode should be included, it doesn’t take you anything from the game, and it should be easy to make. The real MED-EVIL difficulty…:slight_smile:

Save anytime and anywhere! And if you don’t like that because it ruins the mood, then don’t use it! Choices, choices, give us the choice so you make everyone happy! (oh, and should also autosave at key places like most games do anyway)


I’ve been always thinking what would it be like if you only had one life. I mean if you die, then the game is over. Life is hard, and so it was back at 1403.
Yea, its like bullying if you have to start over, but do you want it to be like in CoD?

The best compromise is to let the user save game at any time (due he has to quit the game or so, but if he dies, he can only reload the only last position when he was in any secure location, like in the city.

Maybe consider sleeping as saving and loading point? You die and you wake up again thinking your death was just a bad dream?
And because I just hate retards who use “quickload” 20 times per 10 minutes, I’d add some sort of skills fadeout: substract 1% of current XP for every death.
Going with this, I’d do some sort of quicksave - if frustrated player just ragequits the game when losing badly, consider it a death as well.

If you want not to screw up your stats, don’t ragequit, fight hard.¨
Because then, you can add online statistics comparsion, etc, and it’s useless when it’s not accurate due to such cheating as ragequiting.

Motto: Good player never dies.