Why is the lockpicking not life like at all?

you wanna talk about realism but you dont even kno the style of locks lol what a joke

your comparing splinter cell locks to a lock made from the 1400s

this is exactly what im talking about you people bitch prolly cuz you fucking are garbage at the system and majority complaints i see is ā€œITS TOO HARDā€ ā€œits not realā€ but yet your comparing it to modern day locking mechanisms and games with magic in completely different erasā€¦ yes oblivion made a fun system for lockpicking but this game cant copy it now can theyā€¦ and again the locking mechanism is way different soā€¦ ur argument is bunk

ya feel pretty silly now that your looking up 1400s locking systems realizing there NOTHING like 5-6 pin locking mechanisms

Egad! I saw a notification for twenty five replies, and twenty two of them are from Ricky. Ricky, can you please calm down and reply once, instead of this unique series of quintuple posts?

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Now that i can findal reply again (what an absolutely garbage website), and seeing as you obviouselt didnt read my edits, i guess i will repeat myself.

First off if you actually knew anything about locks from that time period then you would know that even the presences of a lockpicking system is unrealistic. Back then they did not typically use lockpicks, instead they used skeleton keys, or forced their way in. So once again as i said the alternative suggestions such as a mini game about minimizing the sound you make, would be a far better fit. But since people like you are so bent on there being actual lockpicking, the developers have gone and made a lockpicking system when there shouldnt be one.

In fsct if they really wanted to go historically accurate then there would be very few locks to open in this game. Locks were expensive so only the rich had them, even having keys was considered a symbol of your status. But since they dont want you to bave wasy access to everything they have gone and thrown locks on everything.

They could have even had an interesting system where you attempt to find the key hole. For many chests and such there would be multiple key holes which wouldnt work, and you actually had to locate the hidden real key hole. These systems were not intended to stop a thief but rather take up their time so that they might end up getting caught. But the developers didnt even bother with a system like that.

They had a thousand options other than this terribly unrealistic lockpicking system, but they didnt use anything.

And so if there must be a lockpicking system in a time period where they wouldnt have lockpicking, they could at least have made it a realistic lockpicking system, using locks that people actually used/use lockpicks for.

Heck an interesting way of doing it would be a mini game where you try to use your knife to pry stuff open, while trying to keep your noise levels down. Then as your progress you could find different skeleton keys, making your job a whole lot easier (skeelton keys were rather rare, so it makes sense that it would be a while before you found them). Then as you collect skeleton keys it because a game of figuring out which key you need to use (there were multiple types of locks and so multiple types of skeleton keys were need). This is a fairly easy system to implement, and is far more realistic for the time period, and yet they didnt bother. They instead threw in a lockpicking systemwhere not only there would not have been one, but also made a lockpicking system that is nothing like real life in the slightest.


Awesome history, Nickel, thank you for sharing that! You seem quite knowledgeable in this. Is it just personal interest?

A lot of 14th century locks were spring loaded locks and yes u did use lockpicking tricks to break them

Yeah i see alot of people are complaining about the difficulty of the lockpickingsystem. I also think itĀ“s hard but isnĀ“t lockpicking suppose to be hard? I mean yeah sure, maybe itĀ“s not completly ā€œrealisticā€ā€¦My point is that the system ingame is difficult, but thatĀ“s what itĀ“s suppose to be. I have managaed to level my lockpicking skill somewhat, and in the process unlocked a couple of the perks. I can say with certanty that it helps getting better - both levelwise and your own experience.

In this video you can see that i manage to unlock the ā€œlockā€( actually a pigĀ“s assā€¦one of the funniest quests iĀ“ve played! :rofl: ) quite easily, even though i really am not so good at it. but leveling and training makes it easier.

Even for those types of locks, skeleton keys were far more common to use than lockpicks, mainly because it was far sinpler and worked for every type if lock at the time. Lockpicks only worked for a select few and even then there were better options for opening them. Also for those spirng locks they are more similar to our locks (kind of a transition between the two), in which case it would still be about you finding the correct point at the top of the lock and slowly turning it.

No matter the lock, time and patiance is still the key, which this current system doesnt use at all.

This lockpick system doesnt feel liek lovkpicking at all because of this weird rushed system they have. Heck just changing it os that you can go as slow as you want but juse be precises would be a big step towards it being a proper system. But as it is, it is the opposite of any kind if lockpicking.

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Just personal interest, i have always loved history. it is kind of one of the main things that drew me to this game, which is why this lock picking system erks me so much. They have done a great job with the armour and weapons and such, but then screwed up on such an obviouse thing.

So many cool optoons where they could bave given you options for how to open a chedt beyond just find the key or lockpick, but for some reason they chose not to.

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Again i dont so much mind the difficulty, though the learning curb is a bit steep for this system. As i said my real problem is that this system is in no way realistic. Which is one thing in a game like skyrim, but this game prides itself on realism and being historicly accurate, so this system makes absolutely no sense.

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thought 14th century bohemia had modern tumbler locks like shitrim and splintercell

love history

Obvousely didnt read any other comments. The tumbler system is just an example. If you actually read anything else you would see that i clearly explained why i used tumblers as an example for how a lockpicking system would work. Mainly it is due to the fact that lockpicks were not widely used in that time period. Skeleton keys and just prying things open where the two main methods of opening locks. This is mainly due to the fact that these methods worked for all types of locks, while lockpicks only worked for a select few.

Also the principle of lock picking applies no matter the type of lock. Lockpicking requires patiance and time, and uses sound a feel, the exact opposite of this current system.

Also jus because someone loves history does not suddenly mean they know ever detail. Someone can love history but not know what the names of the planes usedbin world war 1 are. Because that is the thing about history, there is far to much of it to know everything at one time. Which is why some of us continue to learn, and others contune to just be smug pricks and act like they know everything while never learning anything new.


Well, a reasonable job of the weapons. Many oddities stick out, like the fact you can destroy mail armour with your bare hands, wearing down its durability. Also, the bug or feature where you can make less noise by equipping 20 pounds of mail armour, simply by getting the padded armour trait.

Ya i know what you mean. But some things have to be given leaniancy for the sake of gameplay. For example since the game allows you to be a stealth character but yet still demands you participate in at least some type of open combat, it cant jus leave you with only regular cloths (what an actual assassins would be wearing). People in this time period tryibg to be sneaky didnt wear armour for obviouse reasons. But for the sake of gameplay they need you to have some type of armour that atill allows you to sneak around (although chain mail should be considered rather noisy).

Same goes for breaking things with your fists, ehile it tries to have a lot of realism it is still a game, and they still want you to have some freedom towards how you want to play. Technically if you are using your fists you would need some heavy metal gloves to try and do any damage to a full helmet, and for those without full helmets you could really only punch the face. But that kind of limits player choise and makes it so they could never really choose to be a fist fighter.

That being said there are definitely still things that make no sense, other than this lock picking system. Another great example is the inability to ask for directions. When i walk up and talk to a villager i should be able to ask things like, where is the balck smith, or where is the inn. All very common questions for a travelor to have, and yet we cant ask them. We also should be able to get odd jobs, such as helping out at a black smith, seeing as we do have some training in the field, and yet we cant, we can only take the select missions that people have for us.

There are definitely imporvements that can be made but a lot of stuff is at least close to realistic.

Itā€™s not a gameplay consideration. Itā€™s just a bug or a terrible idea, both for realism and gameplay. It removes Noise from stealth ENTIRELY, if you just equip a few items: Stuffed Armor: Magic Armor of Silence

Nor does punching metal armor destroying it serve any purpose. It just means you need to lug around several suits of armor, as it can easily get damaged beyond the point of repair for most repair kits, from just a dozen punches. The enemies never survive long enough for you to take advantage of this bizarre feature, so itā€™s only exists to be a tedious problem for the player. Iā€™m not talking about damaging the player through the armor, Iā€™m fine with that. Iā€™m talking about plate armour being damaged beyond repair by someone punching you.

Interestingly, even when my armor was destroyed, at 0 durability, I was still nearly impossible for the bare-handed guy to kill me.

Merchants having no money at all is also a problem. Iā€™m richer than every merchant in Talmberg and Skalitz at this point. Iā€™ll have to install the mod where merchants have money. But then again, itā€™s possible that stealing has lead to me breaking a few of the quests in the gameā€¦ so my gameplay choice as a thief who never gets caught due to careful planning may not have been an option (considering people sometimes discovered crimes I committed previously, the moment I loaded the game).

Asking for directions would be nice, yeah. They couldā€™ve added some of those to villager dialogue, instead of having several voice actors repeat the same line about the merchant pond-keeper.

I could go into more points which are baffling, from gameplay and history viewpoints. Sorry for ranting about that.

No problem, and ya i get what you are saying for armour getting damages. Fists should do barely anything to things like plate armour, if anything at all (i suppose if you have metal gloves you could slightly dent the armour and that could count as a very tiny amount if damage, but they definitely shouldnt be able to break it).

Not to sure about the whole amount of money merchants have thing. I cnat say for sure but i would imaging merchants at the time wouldnt have huge sums on them because they didnt exactly have places like safes to keep their money in. A lot more of their money would be in the form of goods on their shelf, something that is harder to steal, and if stolen, can more easily be found on a person (also a lot harder to steal 10 swords than 100 coins).

The lack of gamblers is kind of annoying, and unrealistic. Gambling has always been very populr, so it makes no sense that it can be difficult to find someone to play dice with.

You also shpuld be able to do things like go into and open area and just practice swinging to gain some strength and skill with a weapon (live practice is good but not always becissary to get better). Same thing with bows, going off and shooting at a target for an hour or so should get you a little bettee, especially when you are new to it.

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And on that note, bartering should increase your speech skill, so you donā€™t have to talk to every villager and desperately work out tricks to say the maximum number of possible dialogue choices.