Wildlife / biota in medieval Europe

Hi folks,

I am a big fan of the searchbutton and I used it but couldn’t find any topic related to the specific biota /wildlife of the game. I was wondering if there is such and if not to contribute to this topic since I am interested in this field.
Will there be animals like Brownbears, lynxes, wisent (bison), wildhorses (prezwalski), elk and so on?

It’s already known that there will be more forests than it would be appropriate for the game’s period (a design decision). So far we have seen few wild animals in the videos - wild boars and I think there was a rabbit too? There is even a rabbit snare in the alpha. There are probably going to be other wild animals in the game but it hasn’t been really confirmed I think?

@Phaidon right now the search function is not functioning (Everybody hail to the forum update and its mighty power to crash working features!)

And yes, there will be wild animals. Well not everything you mentioned, because it’s not all part of the Central European fauna. Boars, hares and bears are confirmed by either video, screenshots or photos of modelling:


Wow, thanks Yuusou! It looks great and I am looking forward to encounter this big brownbear ingame.
But I must insist that each and every of the mentioned animals were part of the central european fauna during the period the game is taking place. Lynx, wolf and elk was pretty common in our forests during the late middle ages along with other animals that are exterminated or expelled by now.

I go for lynx and wolf, that’s okay. I didn’t write that all were not found in Central Europe.

For one animal I had a misinterpretation: elk. I was thinking of the German word “Elch”, which actually describes those stags living in tundra and taiga areas, but this word also means “Rothirsch” which then is totally correct. I’d prefer to use red deer as terminology as it is (to me) more accurate ( http://www.dict.cc/?s=Elk ). :smile:

And Przewalski horses live in the steppe, so I don’t think that they’re part of the woodlands. Maybe there were other species of wild horses that may be extinct today because they were domesticated and bred with other species over time.

These are the only two animals I was referring to as “not living in Central Europe” in your mentioned list of animals.

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You are absolutely right with the prezwalski horse, lets take another race then, the tarpa would fit much more in that region. But as you said, lynxes. wolfes, bears and boars would be a great addition to the game and it would add a lot to the ambience of that time and region.

I hope to see some anserinae, I don´t know if it is correct but I could imagine anserinae were popular in bohemia. Its just a feeling about it.

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If you mean the grey goose or common goose , yes they were popular. I could see so many more animals but I know its a hard to create, render and implement them in the game. But I am absolutely sure it would increase the “reality” feeling of this project.


Yes, this is what I mean.

Why only land animals? Where are the birds and fishes?
Predators needs preys. The little preys haven’t to be realy in game, only the hunting animation.