[WIP/Pre-RLS] Un-Official Install Guide v1 - Modding Tools 1.9.3 & PostgreSQL 11

Thanks for your quick response! I’ve just used the example commands you provided to specify which one is giving me the error.

The previous two commands (for modding.sql and public.sql) didn’t give me any errors and I am using the correct path to the game. I’ve tried using the sequence command with -v sequenceoffset=NUMBER which I found on the nexus forum, but no luck.

Do I need to use a specific number for that or can I just use a random number? I don’t know much about this but I doubt it’s the number that’s making the error appear.

Basically, the first two commands work fine. Once I run the third one with sequences, it gives me the error I mentioned. I have the Tables(468) as well.

I just noticed that I am getting another error so I will just write both of the error messages here:
/Data_reference/sequences.sql:1: NOTICE: function modding.create_sequences() does not exist, skipping

/Data_reference/sequences.sql:25: ERROR: syntax error at or near “:”
LINE 1: SELECT modding.create_sequences(:sequenceoffset); And there’s a little arrow pointing at the colon (:).

I’ve double-checked the path and it is correct. I don’t know if I’m helping you much and thank you so much for taking the time to answer me.

Thanks dude but i figured it out. As embarrassing as it is, i couldn’t see the models/terrain because the camera was too far out. I figure out my mistake once i started fiddling around with the wasd keys

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So i’ve tried the task by my own again,
I dont know how the result should look like but the cmd shell gives me 1 Line after the proceed.

Unbenannt2 (2)
Remember that your password is not visible when you type

I had the same problem. The issue I think was, because I have used newer Modding tools v.2. I have just replaced \KingdomComeDeliverance\Data_reference\sequences.sql from previous version…

i dont know if it is a problem by sequences.sql or dll/executables
Here is the previous version from v1
My own modified file,

Ok guys, it’s been a few months since the last reply to this post but maybe someone will read this. I also have had some issues with setting up a database but I think I can help those who are getting that error with the sequences.sql command.

First you should know that I am using v3 of the modding tools.

Once you get to the part where you are entering commands to set the database up, you will need to make an actual change to the sequence.sql itself. Go ahead and do the first two commands, then find the sql file and open in notepad.

At the bottom you will see “SELECT modding.create_sequences(:sequenceoffset);” (without the quotes).
The syntax is off a bit. (Shouldn’t be a colon inside). We need to actually enter a number between those parenthesis. From what I read, it was supposed to be a number above 100000, but then i read it doesn’t matter anymore. Don’t remember where I read it so I can’t link the sites. However, there is this forum post that talks a little about choosing a number and all that.

Once you pick a number, delete everything between the parenthesis, including the colon. Type in your number and make sure its wrapped in single quotes likes this ‘147000’ then save.

Do that third command again and it should work. It will make the necessary row or whatever it does.

Hope that helps. Spread this around if you find anyone else in need of help.

EDIT: Editor is still giving me errors telling me it didnt save to table. So I guess this fix did nothing. I give up on these tools

Do you mean,
From this,
SELECT string_agg(‘SELECT setval(’‘modding.’ || seqname || ‘’’, 100578 );’, chr(10) )
to this,
SELECT string_agg(‘100578’ )

SELECT string_agg(‘SELECT setval(‘100578’ )
SELECT string_agg(‘SELECT setval(’ 100578’ );’, chr(10) )

The thread is as cryptic as the support for the tools (documentation)
It is only used to register or apply for an ID so that no one could use it?
Some questions are still unanswered.

Couple questions. Is this guide still valid for the latest modding tools? If so, I have followed the guide and set up the database. Started doing YouTube guides by WH for scripting. On the first guide on making subbrains I get these errors:!
I also get similar errors when trying to use clothing/weapons on an NPC. Failure to save of table.

I guess not. And i cant help you with that because i am no longer interested in these peasant tools!

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I do not remember WH explained about database setup because it looks like as if you are not connected to db or am I wrong? Had the same issue first time modding because I followed WH’s YT guides and later I just realized I was missing the whole database.

I followed this guide to setup a database and it seems that I did it correctly. I have the modding folder, all of the modding tools open. Only when I start doing something like creating a brain/subbrain I get an error saying something along the lines that I can’t connect to the database.

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Hi, first of all, thanks so much for this great tutorial! By far the clearest and most detailled of all tutorial on the subject, it was of a great help to me. Unfortunately, as few others i have the impossibility to write any data on the database. I installed the database propely and succefuly launched the editor and other tools included in the package. I have the right amout of tables (468) showed in pgadmin. But no matter what i tried and how many times i re intalled everything the same error occurs. It would be tremendous help if anyone had a solution or some idea on how to fiw this.

Thx for the video. It really helped.
But I’m stuck

Help please.

When I enter the first cmd I get the following errors . My CC is running in french
supplementary option “ConfigDB” ignored
supplementary option “-q” ignored

CC asks for my password but it tells me my password is wrong.

My paths seems good :
“F:\prgrammes F\PostgreSQL\11/bin/psql.exe” -f “F:\games\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/modding.sql” -U postgres –d ConfigDB -q

I haven’t run the second command yet
“F:\prgrammes F\PostgreSQL\11/bin/psql.exe” -f “F:\games\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance/Data_reference/public.sql” -U postgres –d ConfigDB -q

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There were updates released for the tools and the guide was for the first public version.
Maybe someone other can help here?

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Same here. I’m also stuck at this Point.

PS: Also i dont know, why a few Models in the Editor are invisible, like the Walls of Rattys upper Castle.

Has anyone figured that out?