Women warriors of the 13 century

Women in typical medieval warrior role is just bad idea. Imagine how will some women hockey player perform in NHL match against men. And medieval hand to hand warfare seems to be close to hockey if you take physical atributes.
On the other hand there were many women in hussites war on hussite side as a auxiliary units but not only ranged weapons but with pikes and stuff mostly ones that have been used to hard work on fields and therefore have some physical atributes to be in combat. But it was mostly defensive style of warfare used against armoured knights where everyone was employed even little boys fought with slingshots not typical one vs one fight.

I think that today its quite diferent and women can be equally or more effective in combat but still actuall fight is only small part of being soldier and you have to be physically resistant during long moves and being outdoor in hard condition and women still are generaly worse in this.

for at least 1500 years until mid/late 19th century women was part of European armies doing a lot of the logistic supportā€¦ and this involved marching beside their men.

As I have written earlier, averages it irrelevant.
What is relevant is if the women who joined armies could keep up. And clearly they could. (and if not, they properly died, and that was not really a problem for the army)

She also hated the Hussites. Thatā€™s why I like her so much.

Evidence, please. And why do thow hate Hussites?

She did allegedly dictate a letter in 1430 denouncing them and threatening to lead a holy war against them (to go with all the other crusades they were defeating at around that time).

I doubt she understood their cause very well though, and for the most part I sympathise with the Hussites a lot more than the corrupt and elitist Catholic church. Especially since their leader was arrested and executed while under a letter of safe conduct and attending a conference to discuss the differences - one of the major causes of the open insurrection and crusades/wars of aggression against it.

Iā€™m still waiting for Belzemayrā€™s answer, why to dislike Hussites? My curiosity here is kinda strong-ish :slight_smile:

Explain the difference.

And you explain, please, the similarity.

There are two versions: First says, that since the letter was signed by Joanā€™s confessor, Jean Paqueral, she didnā€™t write this letter. Second, says, that this letter was simply written at the initiative of Sigismund I to threaten the Hussites.

Žižka never lost.

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Neither did Hitler, his dreams live on.

But Žižka and Hitler had different ideas.

@SirWarriant Wellā€¦sorry to censor your Pictureā€¦ :wink:

to all othersā€¦please stay on Topicā€¦Donā€™t get lost in such a pointless discussion


So why exactly is this thread still open? This topic long since surpassed pointless.


Censoring the picture of a man who liked to censor things.

Letā€™s end this discussion. We have gone too offtopic.

Heheā€¦nice oneā€¦ :smile: Absolutely right.

Even on topic this discussion was dead.

Enjoy the memes that surely follow.