Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

It is nice to read a comment from someone who actually understands what the game is…

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Noobs changing games … One more time


I used his chest to level 6 to get the deft hand perk. It makes lockpicking even easier.


I see… You Sir… are a genius!

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im playing on base ps4, and its very annoying to see hats and clothes popping in every few seconds.

I wrote some more of my thoughts on the games difficulty yesterday, but nobody responded, maybe my writing style is bad or maybe they just didn’t like what I said… Still, people are so damned impatient. I remember when it took weeks to complete a single level in a game (and you were lucky if you ever completed it), nowadays everyone expects to have their hand held the whole way through, it makes me wonder why they are playing games instead of watching TV shows/movies (or Lets Play’s), seems those might be more suited to them. Yes, people are gonna hate me for saying that, but those people can play the many, many games catering to their needs, please leave something for people like us who actually want a challenge!

My post was Wahhh! XYZ is too hard!


Yep, everything you said in that post is correct.

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but exit save which erases the exit save before so you cant go to earlier save,
what can you have against it?
I’m sure Warhorse wont dumb the lockpicking system down just to fit casual players

I have no issue with exit save.

I wouldn’t say I have an issue with it…

The game just does not need it… the current system works fine and that is the way the developers intended it to be.

I agree, I have not found it to be an issue (although I did leave the game idle overnight because I was in the middle of a conversation with a character and didn’t want to redo, but exit save would not have helped here), I just don’t have a problem with exit save.

BTW, we should just start calling KCD the “Dark Souls of realistic first person RPG’s” and scare away anyone who isn’t prepared for a challenge :slight_smile:

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With my XB1X I can leave the game turn the console off and then the next day launch straight back in to it from the same position… so easy… I have 3 scnapps on me at all times and carry 7 in my horses saddle bags… If i ever need to save and i have no schnapps I whistle the horse and have a little drink :wink:

Yes, I did suspend my PS4, I didn’t leave it running all night. It wasn’t a problem. But if I had wanted to play another game, then KCD would have closed and I would have had to reload from the latest save.
As for schnapps, the issue is that its expensive at the start. Once you have a little money, it stops being an issue, but first impressions and all that.

watched the vids. the Rattay melee training was step by step and very good. the range and lockpicking not so much. arrows are cheap so it makes the lack of better training acceptable. lockpicks aren’t cheap and the training from an expert was underwhelming. that makes lockpicking an area of improvement. for consoles, better leveraging the vibrational functionality of the joystick would be helpful and much appreciated

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don’t necessarily need it to be easier. improving the miller’s training would go a long way (eg step by step, more lockpicks during that training – remove xp to prevent abuse). could also improve vibration feedback for joystick

What about fixing the PS4 issue of not being able to use R2 in combat??? I can’t use a bow or do a slash attack. This makes the game unplayable. Just give me a refund so I can buy the XB1 version. It’s obvious don’t tho k this is a real problem even though there are Hundreds of comments documenting it. You guys are thieves.

About the saving mechanics:

What I like:

  • I would never allow my character to be less then perfect in an RPG like this, like for instance getting arrested and having a criminal record. With this system however, it’s likely something might not go the way you planned and considering the time between saves, you might opt to keep going, which I like a lot; it pulls you out of that comfort zone that modern RPG’s are in abundance of (I’m old, sue me).
  • I also like that combat becomes so much more exciting because there’s much more at stake, knowing a quick F9 doesn’t lets you retry instantly. Gamers are getting soft, time to educate.
  • Forces me to plan better, it keeps me more engaged in the game.

What I don’t like:

  • I closed my game last night, hoping the close on exit feature was already implemented, but I lost 45 minutes of gameplay. So the news of the coming update is great.
  • I have a family, so I need to be able to resume my progress when I quickly have to quit the game.
  • Related to this: PAUSING CINEMATICS! Soo… my father called me during a cinematic and I had to replay half an hour of the prologue because I wanted to know what the hell was going on. He’s old too. You know game developers are playing during work hours and usually they don’t need to stop working because of a telephone call. In fact, they should stop taking calls and get back to implementing a cinematics pause function!
  • I really had a problem with the time between saving in the prologue, 45 minutes between saves wasn’t an exception. I wasn’t able to sleep (ingame) because of the story quest and I wanted to get everything right before moving on. Trying different approaches wasn’t ideal; escaping from the castle in different ways, looking for a horse, running outside of the mission bounds and failing the “find a horse objective”, to then reload and start over again, spending about half an hour looking for that horse (that you need for 2 minutes tops btw), maybe it’s taking a bath… only to later on realize it’s probably in the courtyard (yes it was) etc… When I finally got to Skalitz my friends came online asking me to join in their MP game (pah), so I started to quickly run for the next potential autosave, which (finding out later) was still like 15 minutes away. Eventually I quit and replayed that last 45 minutes very quickly, sadly without going through all the details to just get it over with. Soooooo long story short, more auto-saves would be sweet for those milking every square meter of this game (yay for metric).

So yeah… cool system, waiting for save on quit.

Thank you. I agree and sorry for the words but THIS Lockpicking is not acceptable and is one of the biggest fails!

for survival mode in FO4, bethesda tried sleep only saves. it bombed for all the reasons you indicated. in response, they added quit-save. KCD is pure survival (again for reasons you mentioned – and more) so making the same change is much needed.

fwiw, i like raiding bandit camps to take their stuff without killing. don’t want savior schnapps or quick saves because i want to own the risk/consequences even if it means i die and lose hours of playtime

this is probably the thing I hate the most. The damn control vibrates even when you’ve got it perfectly lined up and solid yellow. It would be better if the vibration only started up once you find the sweet spot and start to move out of it. It makes a nice little feedback that things aren’t quite right and to adjust your position.

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