Wahhh! XYZ is too hard!

Where XYZ is combat, lockpicking, archery, haggling, etc etc

First of all, from an in-game lore point of view, Henry is new to all of these things. He only just started learning to hold a sword as the game started and has never done any of these other activities. These things simply take time. In my game, I’ve played for about 12 hours now, which is 14 days in in-game time. If you ask me, going from zero to where I am now in two weeks is… unrealistically fast. Why would anyone expect Henry to become good at pretty much everything so fast?

Secondly, so far, all of these things have a skill or knack to them. They all get easier for me as I learn and improve myself. Player skill. Again, why would anyone expect to become good at something in a mere 12 hours? Acquiring a new skill takes time!

For me, the challenge is important. If everything is instant gratification staemroll through the game, then it loses any sense of accomplishment. When I do finally become good enough to beat every challenge with ease, its because I worked at it, not because the game spoon fed me and held my hand. If you want that, why not just watch a movie instead? I hate games with levelled enemies because nothing is ever any more or less challenging and I never have a sense that my skill or ingenuity got me through. Remember the days when you would spend literally weeks just to get through the first level? When completing a game was super rare? Remember how much satisfaction you felt when you did eventually defeat the challenge? Games like KCD do this and its fantastic. Its immersive too.

When you approach a new obstacle, if the first thing you tried always succeeded, then you wouldn’t have to think. You wouldn’t have to try and work out a solution. I want all of the approaches to be possible, so that if I try something I failed at again later (or in a future playthrough), they should work, but the first time, its ok to be stumped, its ok to go to bed thinking about how you would possibly do it. Its ok to abort your plan and try a different approach, or to come back to it later and do something else first. That’s how you learn and grow.

It seems to me, that this is what the devs were going for. If that’s not what you’re after, then perhaps this isn’t the game for you. They’ve been pretty upfront about it, IMHO.

So, please, Warhorse, don’t ever make the game any easier. To the players complaining about the difficulty of XYZ, learn to be a bit more patient, put the practice in and get good. You’ll enjoy the game more in the long run.


Great post!

Pity you’re the only person who seems to think so :wink:

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You most likely offended the people who can’t seem to get their heads around the game… I wouldn’t worry about it.

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I’m pretty sure you’re right. I’m not worrying about it at all, I just wish people weren’t so damned impatient. There should be an easy mode option at the very start that just skips right to the credits :smile:


LOL :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Wow, get your elitist attitude outa here. You guys find this challage fun while others don’t. It is ok to play games how you want to play be it easy or challenging. If people request it to be easier then they obviously want to have something easier, there is no reason to bash them or say you are better or anything other than let them ask the developers.

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Surely you would agree that people should at least try to play the game as the developers intended it to be played?

What is the point of buying the game in the 1st place if not?


If people find it to hard then they must of obviously tried it.

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They may have put an hour or 2 in to it? not really understanding what the game is or how the mechanics are supposed to work and then find it to difficult and complain. At least that is the feeling i get when reading most posts that are complaining about things.


BTW, I’m not elitist in the slightest.

I just watched gameplay videos, read about what the game is before purchasing. I knew lock picking was going to be tricky from the way it was portrayed in videos and that you could not save as and when you wanted to. That the game would not hold your hand and you would be expected to learn things with your character.

I thought most people would research this before paying $60 or whatever they paid.


I was finding it very hard and just went and trained in swordfighting for a while. I then got jumped by three bandits and defeated them where usually i would be dead very quickly. I still got a kicking but was victorious in the end. I find learning the rhythm for strikes and learning the timing in training helps massively.


It is all about character learning and progression…

While I personally agree with the OP, I think there are two perspectives on this.

One side want to be challenged when they are playing because of the sense of reward they get when playing.

The other side feel like RL is challenging enough and want to be entertained rather than challenged in their leisure time.

Thing is, both points of view are valid.

Usually people who prefer not to be too challenged would go for this type of game (rpg) because traditionally they are less challenging than your twitch fps type games, this game is far more challenging than your traditional rpg though, I think that’s where a lot of the complaints stem from.

It wouldn’t be impossible for the devs to add an ez mode to appeal to people who are looking for less of a challenge, but that’s not their vision for the game, which I’m fine with but I can understand why some people who probably did less research on the game before purchasing are dissapointed now

The only legitimate complaint about difficulty is console users with lockpicking. If you have tried lockpicking on a console you would agree. It’s not hard, it’s next to impossible. People who have played both console and PC say it is drastically easier on PC. Lockpicking for consoles needs to be re-worked, everything else I agree with.


Everyone is entitled to their view…

but then if i don’t like something then I don’t do it/eat it/drink it/play it… I dont ask the person/people that came up with it to change it just so it fits with me .

Surprising to see your comment about RPG’s normally being seen as easier… I take the view that COD or BF are the really easy games not much thought involved.

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I’m on xbox and there is no issue with lock picking… it is tricky… the more you do it the easier it becomes… did you train at the millers house? I levelled up 2 points… someone else said they levelled up 6 and unlocked a perk…

Just read the lockpicking on consoles thread. over 150 comments and almost all of them agree it’s ridiculous. Even the lead developer tweeted saying that they are looking into addressing it.

I read it and I couldn’t believe what I was reading to be honest… I have had no issues with it… It is very hard… I think i have only managed to open 3 chests in total but i dont mind becasue if i break a lock pick i find another way to complete the quest… you know… how the game is supposed to be played.

Do you have to successfully pick the lock to gain the exp points or is it just from trying to pick it? Cause when the miller was teaching me how to pick a lock, I broke every single one of them and got nothing from it. So yeah i am terrible at lock picking right now… :persevere::neutral_face: