Compounds and recurves. opinions?

what you guys think? I prefer recurves, and am bias towards compound shooters. What do you guys think?

I don’t agree with your attitude on the topic.
How come you disregard those awesome mechanical advances offered by compound bows?
I personally own a PSE 70 pound bow and can say I am a decent shot, although my wife shoots better than me with it (I prefer my shotgun). I happened to also notice your type of behavior amongst other bow fans and couldn’t explain what fuels it. Do you think using a modern designed weapon of ancient style is unworthy or what? What about swords then, will you tell me that any modern made sword sucks compared to archaic originals? Because that is also not true.
Can you please clarify why you hate compounds? A good compound bow possesses qualities that none traditional bow has. A good compound bow will be more suitable for the inevitable zombie apocalypse, because of all those laser sights and stuff… We live in 21 century, even if you don’t like this fact, you can’t simply ignore it and pretend that any obsolete technology would be better than the modern one. Especially when talking about weapons.
Just to clear things - I don’t oppose classic bows in any way, I have shoot them and so. Just let everyone enjoy what makes them happy without ranting and hating, because there is no point of arguing about personal tastes. Peace.
And on-topic - in my opinion you did the right thing of walking away from the competition. If your friend knows how to shoot his upgraded compound bow, he may have easily won no matter if you are good or bad with your traditional bow. Simple logic. Which is better, an AK-12 or 1500’s matchlock musket?

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Its just a bias I was raised with, My uncle, my father and my grandfather all despised them for being far to easy to use(in their opinion, and mine) I do not deny that they are not amazing technical feats, but people who make shots that are fairly difficult with a longbow, but use a compound bow, i in no way think they have the right to gloat. Now, that said, If i were to see someone with a compound bow make it within 4 inches of the bullseye on a target at 70-90 yards? Thats impressive, no matter what bow you’re using, because of hand sway and other elements. Haha, yes i did walk away because i didnt stand an ounce of a chance, and please dont be offended by my bias, its just something i cant seem to train out of my brain. its like how much i hate vanguards in chivalry, people love them, but i just despise them :smile:

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It’s probably an ancient human behaviour to “hate” (possibly too much of a strong word) the different, but I do not know the reasons behind this particular case. “Both” is fine, and i write “both”, because I rarely ever see true traditional bows. So if someone uses a glass fiber replica, is he “traditional”? Or shoots with an olympic, middle-shooter bow, full with aiming assistance, and - for the sake of it - even uses a releaser, is he still a “traditional” archer?
I doubt it is worth putting value to any of this. In my eyes, it is like comparing model building and skiing. Which is better? The one you love more.
Just go out and shoot. :-]


I totally agree, and the behavior aint so ancient :smile:

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Well, now that I think about it, it’s more like something like…

  • ‘I am a cro-magnon man and this is a neanderthal man. KILL HIM!’
  • ‘I am a cro-magnon man and this is a neanderthal woman. Well, hello there, sexy…!’
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Ha :smiley: dis amuses me!

Personally I prefer traditional bows like the Longbow or a Horsebow.

I don´t like Recurve or Compound bows.
The reason for this is just that I prefer natural materials and shooting the “old” way.
No Hightech and if I can land good hits with this primitive stuff it´s much more of a satisfaction for me than if I were shooting modern bows and materials.

I don´t have anything against people who shoot other bows but I´d never shoot one of these.

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Ya, I really like horse bows, i just like recurves because they dont have to be as big to have alot of power.

Well then modern soliders have no shooting skills what so ever because they use fire arms with laser sights and scopes.

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Whats the point of using a bow if your going to deck it out like a gun?

Why not just buy a fucking gun? fuck they cost about the same amount.

You seem to have this idea that anything modern requires no skill what so ever. I guess the longbow takes no skill compared to a bow 1,000 years before it.

Depends on the gun. Ar15s are pretty popular guns and they cost around 600-1300 dollars. Compound bows are around 500-600 if you want a fancy one with sights and lasers on it.

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Compounds are just fucking crossbows without the stock. Buy a gun if you want to shoot long distance. or just buy a crossbow. im not saying compound archers aren’t good, because they can be really good shots, but when they brag about being way better shots then people with recurves at the same distance? its just not fair! they act like the two can be fairly matched and they cant, one is just a fucking gun, and the other is hundreds of year old design. I guess my gripe is more with compound shooters, or atleast the rich douchebag ones.

Crossbows are far more powerful than bows are and they always have been. Crossbows were used to kill people in full plate armor because longbows could only pierce plate at a close range. A modern crossbow would be more powerful than a compound bow.

Yeah if they do that they are fags.


Not even close to the accuracy or power of a gun but alright.

A traditional English longbow made the old way is way more expensive than a compound bow in most cases. A compound bow can be made by a machine a traditional bow takes months to make it it requires a very skilled craftsmen.

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I get what you’re saying Boony, but I just think each to their own.

I personally wanted to challenge myself, and focus more on becoming an instinctive & natural shooter; so I chose a recurve bow for that very reason. It’s a Martin Saber 45# takedown… Yes it’s more of an older and traditional style bow when compared to the modern day compound counterparts, and yet the materials and technology that’s gone into both types of bow are very modern.

My mate shoots compound, and he’s got quite consistently accurate far quicker than I have in terms of target shooting… but for me it feels far more satisfying to hit the red when I’m shooting bear-bones.

As I said though, each to their own… I mean, I can see myself owning a compound at some stage. If you appreciate archery as a sport or discipline, then you should be able to appreciate any type of bow, whether it be traditional or modern, or anywhere in between.

Fully agree with @SirWarriant here too…

I never understood why everybody is so elitist and superior about everything. “I like Xbox better than Playstation! CoD is dumb, Battlefield is better! I like recurves more than compounds!” Why can’t you just accept that people have different opinions and if someone doesn’t share yours, don’t be so stuck up and uptight about it. I prefer recurves but I am fine with a compund too, in fact I have both.

Its not that i prefer compound bows quite the opposite. But as i stated traditional bows are quite expensive and i was lucky enough to get 2 compound bows for free with all the stuff needed to maintain them plus arrows. I enjoy shooting and would love to get a traditional bow some day but as you guys probably know archery is expensive. I also don’t agree with his blind hate for compounds simply because they are easier to get the hang of and his notion that anyone who shoots with a compound isn’t a “real” archer or something like that.


In the end, the best weapon is the weapon which keeps you alive the longest :smile:
This may vary depending one’s skills of course, but in general the most modern weapons are the better ones. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sword collector myself and have a lot of other weapons at my disposal - historical and modern. There is a lot of sentiment whenever I’m swinging a sword or shooting a traditional bow - use to imagine how it was to battle with it back in the centuries and kill in cold blood, face to face, depending only on your skill and gamble with your life. But if we face the facts with honesty, a modern gun outclasses any other hand-held weapon in (almost) every situation. So, there is no such thing as a “better” bow IMHO, everybody should practice with his weapon of choiche if that makes him happy. Peace :wink:

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How are we talking about guns in a “modern vs. “classical” archery topic” in the first place?

its whatever your personal preference is. i prefer recurves because im a bit of a traditionalist and i like the challenge, not to mention the relative mechanical simplicity makes it easier to take care of if im in the bush for a couple weeks. that being said, the compound is clearly superior in several of its technical aspects. ease of use, accuracy, raw poundage are all generally better in compounds. complaining about someone using a compound bow is like taking a musket to a gunfight and being pissed off that the other people arent using less technological weapons. you chose the harder course, don’t complain that others didn’t

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