Final 2mil stretch goal almost there! What shall be next SG's?

and another 5 million to get them to fly!

you now know why they have so much gold - they earn it in game.

Not that I am saying KCD will be average; however, your comment made me think about hyping the game. Maybe the next stretch goal could be for a more robust advertising campaign? I mean, I know the stretch goals are primarily for adding features which in turn makes you want to pledge to receive them. However, I wonder if this community would get behind a goal for a larger advertising initiative with the money going towards hiring a professional firm to market it. Just a thought.

I think good games dont need much advertisement.
So lets hope it will be good!

Marketing cost sometimes even more than development itself. From this point of view any finances from pledges can’t be enough to waste them on ads. And i think not many ppl would be ok for funding an ad instead of game itself :slight_smile:

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Very close to the final $1k !!!

Maybe Warhorse could reward the person that will bring it over $2mill with something special?

why? that person could donate 5 dollars or 500 dollars, it’s all about who’s luckiest. why should luck be “rewarded”?

rewards are given based on how much monetary support was provided, hence the whole point of having pledge levels.

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Noooo. Reality check please!

$2Million Congrats! :smile: :thumbsup:

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We shall be able to hire better actors for both voiceovers and performance capture. This will enhance the atmosphere and immersion in the game.

Goal reached :slight_smile:


^^^^ What he said. $2,000,000 holy moses

Congrats, guys. I’m very curious about new stretch goals

Anything that keeps the release date from being pushed back due to time needed to implement more stuff is fine by me.


Yeah, I fully agree. It’s already enough work. Some small goals without a big workload would be nice though, just to have something to look forward to. :slight_smile:

Great News!

Congratulation :slight_smile:

in a way the 2mil goal is a good example, an upgrade of an already planned feature just in terms of quality and costs, not necessarily in terms of time.
There is probably other stuff that could be treated similarly.

ok the next goal.

stretch marks for the stretch goals.

maybe via the rack?

and as long as it doesnt take away and detract from the game itself. Look at the greed machine SC and the insatiable need for constant cash and the selling and shilling of constant crap.

please dont tarnish this game like that one has done to itself

(yes i am a backer of SC and a decent amount of money spent as well.)

It seem like the new stretch goal is a kind of encyclopedia about the history in the game. I like it, I am really interrestet about what was happening during this time there. Who was Wenzel, Sigismund and all the others and what was there role. Gives me the feeling of an historical accurate game. Great, like it! :smiley:


New stretch goal :slight_smile:
We will create illustrated historical codex for every place, person and event from the game, so you will be able to walk through history with us.