Next stretch goal idea - hire a writer!

Having a famous actor voice one of the characters is fantastic, but won’t add that much to the game other than make me drool on myself if Sean Bean calls me to arms.

Now what if some of the dialogues or quests were written or designed by, say… Bernard Cornwell (insert the name of your favourite historical fiction author)?

I mean, I have total faith in Dan’s writing abilities, but a famous name is a famous name. Not to mention that it could attract many of mr. Corwells fans (of course I have no idea if he’s even available or would be interested).
Would it be attractive for you? I personally would buy KCD t-shirts for the entire family once the shop finally opens.

Umm, no. IMO game don’t need another writer. Especially not “historical fiction”.


Yeah, you’re probably right. They don’t need one.
Also there’s probably not much of an intersection between people who read and people who play videogames.
A man can still wish, right? :wink:


There is quite a bit of writers/readers that game…

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Haven’t you played Mafia 1 and 2? Story was great!

And it was written without ‘‘famous name’’…


Yes, hire Robert Galbraith!

Dan Vávra is the famous name here. No need to bring in “celebrities”…


If you guys are fans of the Thief series, you might consider the person voicing Garrett on the first two - Stephen Russell ( Seeing that the fourth installment that comes out tomorrow doesn’t have it, just the announcement of this would drive something like 50-100K in sales for Kingdom. Plus he is a great sound professional for medieval.


We already have several writers.


Because a game with a famous writer never fails… anyway rather have a good writer than a famous one. Also goal wise, just use the extra money to fiddle with some aspect of the game you are not completely satisfied with.

I totally respect your enthusiasm, but I think many who supported this game did so because of the core team already in place and because they have a clear vision of where they want the story to go. As for readers vs gamers, I actually think it’s probably safe to say a lot of us enjoy both and there’s been some decent books that have made it into the gaming arena (Tom Clancy’s seem to do pretty well :slight_smile: ) And as for Sean Bean, I’d be drooling right along with you, lol.

I was under the impression that the team already had a story figured out and don’t need a writer…

Dan is a celebrity. :smiley:

They don’t need to hire any other writers.

@DarthFutuza I didn’t mean the overal story, but mostly dialogues.

The person I mentioned is a known scholar of all things medieval and especially the way his characters talk is the perfect blend between old and contemporary. Warhorse said that they want to revamp their speech and I imediatelly thought - the game will be made in english, Bernard Cornwell would be a great person to consult.

But nevermind, let’s end this topic. You all (including an EARLy @JBN member of the team) seem to be extremely sure that the game does not need more publicity or another enticement so I consider myself outvoted.

I feel like your post belongs in the thread about voice acting… That being said, I would love having Garrett be one of the voice actors, probably not for the main character, but maybe as an NPC who can train your character to be a better thief, giving you tips about stealth and whatnot.

As I said in the (first of two) sentence before that:
“Dan Vávra is the famous name here.”

  • Which is basically what you did in your reply. I don’t really see what you did there… read half my post?

The game will be first written in Czech (the whole design team is Czech only) so it would have to be a Czech author. Anyway traditional writers are… tricky because books, game and even movies all differ significantly from the writing perspective, among others. Torment got a traditional writer Pat Rothfuss on board. He wrote some blogposts about it and I think he mentioned there that he is a bit scared of it because of the different nature of book and game narrative.


Actually it was Torment that put that idea into my head. Anyway thanks for the explanation, I can see the drawbacks now.

I don’t really see what I did there either!

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