Nudity confirmed? Herbwoman show nipples in TA 0.4

After I stopped play KCD, I come back in couple hours back and I was continue with playing KCD. The save point was in the herbwomans hut. But something wrong was with her clothes…


That’s a nip clip.


Illuminati confirmed


Oh…S**T! :joy: :joy:

Well I think it was pretty much expected there would be some nudity in the game. But the pictures are hilarious indeed! :smile: :laughing:

And so the story of “Crone and the bone” begins.


I would cringe being the artist who had to make her nips.

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spit out my water at work, jerk! lol

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I wonder if there will be topless bandits lol…

Are you 14 or something? Grow up.

Dude I was just kidding. It was a joke. The only reason why I can imagine you are offended by this is that you are an elderly lady with saggy nips of your own. So if that is the case then I am sorry for offending you, and I think its cool that the elderly are into this game.


Speaking of breasts, I hope games will continue to go the GTA5 route, where the breast have a little jiggle/bounce to them. If you’re going to show me boobies, I want to see gravity be realistically applied. Witcher 3 breasts have no physics to them. It’s not necessarily disappointing as I don’t really care if nudity is in a game or not. But if you’re going to put it in there, do it more realistically.

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I’m pretty sure he/she wasn’t offended, he/she was just pointing out how cringey your comment was. And it’s actually amazing to see that you managed to overdo yourself and to post even more embarassing comment than the previous one.

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says the guy who posted this:

Yep, do you have a problem with that comment?