Possible to become a Baron?

@Dekssan Your choice of words is the problem and you know that you’ve been warned (several times)already. I may not be from the team but I won’t hesitate to give you read-only access if you keep up with your behavior.

Jeez, what words? Are we in the kindergarden? Problem is i don’t praise all silly ideas and cheer about everything, right? Well, threats doesn’t change my mind so of course feel free to use your magic and silent me, i will not hang myself because of that :wink:

Listen, just don’t be a douche, if you enjoy giving other people your ideas prove it, don’t simply shoot down everyone else, while giving no input whatsoever. You act as if the devs wouldn’t dream of adding things that could improve immersion.

Oh, and if you change your mind, I have some rope you can borrow.

You joined quite recently so please, don’t speak about my “no input whatsoever”. That’s one thing. The other thing, i’m just not looking forward to see all the sad and raging people after they realise that any of their awsome ideas are not in the game. And i don’t want to let that happen to me either so i’m holding on the ground. It’s not like i would not want to have all of this in any game, sure i’m, but it’s just better to be realistic. Imo. That’s all. It’s nothing personal of course.

Okay great, you go and be realistic, while others come up with ideas. Just please refrain from spamming “Not gonna happen” On everyone’s posts.

You even see as too much to be able to skin whatever you hunt. I swear, if we hadn’t seen already that Henry knows how to ride a horse you would say that he’s just a peasant and this is not a horse riding simulator (in addition to be a too complex thing to code).


Ahh yeah and my job is to be a Moderator… ohh wait, it’s actually true.

On a serious note: We can discuss about anything we want and share ideas as much as we like because that’s what a forum is for. It’s like talking about politics. You have ideas but they’ll never be a reality in the next few years. So why bother talking about those ideas?

Sharing is caring and if you have an idea you should share it. You (@Dekssan) might think it’s wrong to share ideas and that’s the point I don’t agree with. You might have noticed that barely any developer has given any feedback on any recent ideas and I know the reason. They don’t want to promise any feature which might not make it into the game. However they’re still reading those ideas and nobody here says the ideas they’re sharing are meant to be in the game no matter what other people think about it.

If you say that something is not going to be implemented because it would be too difficult or too much to code or too boring then it means you have an insight in the development which I personally doubt you have. If I have learnt something about coding then that nothing is impossible as long as you think of the right approach to code it into the game mechanics.

Since nobody of us knows how the gameplay actually is, we can’t decide if a feature will make it into the game or not. Daniel told me they don’t want fake involvements into the game development by the community. Maybe they have some ideas that people have been sharing here before but as long as we haven’t played any KCD, we can’t judge any features.

Who knows: Maybe getting a Baron title is possible in Act II or Act III?


äähhh…what Ideas? The game is finished so far. According to the developers, it is free of fantasy, pure realism, playing for half a year in 1403, is an RPG and the only playable characters are a blacksmith or a miller’s daughter without parents in this period. The game world is completely, possibly part-persistent, can be detected but can not be changed or abandoned. The aim is to solve quests to a partially customized match string to follow. That’s it.

One can look forward to cherish hopes and speculate. But ideas about the dimension sword or crossbow addition, no ideas but rather decoration. Playground for modders at best.

Think out of respect for the power of the developer forum should not be a backslapping-club and constructive criticism welcome, rather than block these critics. For, before any of us writes, he has (hopefully) much thought.

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What on earth are you talking about!? For one thing, the game is not finished, it hasn’t even hit alpha. For another, what do you think I mean by ideas? We are not trying to come up with the core game mechanics here. Just random ideas, that are possible, such as a thread I made about possible player professions, or the idea that we could be knighted.

These are not “critics” they are simply saying it is not going to happen under any circumstance, even though they have no idea.

There may be a language barrier between us, so I may have misunderstood something.

Unfortunately, I need the help of google-trans, sorry!

Video 3 and 4 (Gameswelt) Post a good feedback about the development at present and the future imaginable. Act 1 will be a first step towards a game, possibly only with Act 3 is a real playful innovation (not graphically meant) Daniel thinks very well - but is also a realist in terms of development time and budget. I wish him much strength that he can implement his vision. For this reason, I think, we should one keep the balls for Act very flat and hope that KCD heard about Act 2 away to the top 10 indie title purchase. Ultimately decides available money on a production.

Obviously, but that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate, and come up with ideas for a later act.

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About this this theorem it is worth thinking! A generation related phenomenon of our time - and a fundamental problem of the gaming industry :wink:

Maybe the protagonist Henry could temporarily go mad and think himself a nobleman or a knight on a special mission. Seriously. That could make for some fun side-quests. :slight_smile:

Yeah, and so shortly. And we learn something about the prison conditions in the Middle Ages :slight_smile: :slight_smile: [quote=“YuusouAmazing, post:27, topic:17722”]
Who knows: Maybe getting a Baron title is possible in Act II or Act III?
I dare say that there is no otherwise third Act more :wink:


“Yeah, and so shortly. And we learn something about the prison conditions in the Middle Ages.”

He could be suffering from manic-depressive (bipolar) disorder.

Why do I doubt it?..

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The idea of becoming nobility might seem fun on paper, but what would it add to gameplay? I’m not aware what noble’s actually did in their time period, I imagine it was mostly land and construction management, extracting taxes, and maybe training squires?

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Bingo!!! :slight_smile: But, 1403 is too late for this. We dream the same Dream…

And make him fight an imaginary dragon!

That would be golden. Can end it with him standing over a mutilated cow missing his trousers and a farmer yelling at you while his family stands back in horror.

Err… No. That’s not exactly what I had in mind. I don’t think I would even want to imagine that. “[M]issing his trousers”?