The Muslim Brotherhood & The World

Very few of the statistially muslim people are theologists. Luckily so many people are opertunists and do adapte faster to current circumstances than there religions. there are lot’s of terribly outdated ideologys that are too slow to reform if they can reform at all. Wars always have practical resons as well.

A woman got her head cut off in Oklahoma for rejecting to be converted to islam. Look it up.

I think you got your math wrong. He said 25%. 25% of 1 Billion is 250 million… that’s 62 times the total population of my country… yeah, i’d say that would be a huge problem.

Hmmm, a bit exaggerated and not effective. Is this news true?

Just a few numbers from respected studies:

64-84% of muslims in Middle East, North Africa and South Asia wants Sharia as offical law.
56-81% muslims in Middle East, North Africa and South Asia support severe criminal punishments such as cutting off hand for thievery or death penalty for renouncing islam faith
70-93% muslims all around the world except Europe think wife must always obey her husband

65% of muslims living in Western Europe say religious rules are more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.
44% of Muslims living in Western Europe are fundamentalists.


There is no such thing as islamophobia, because “phobia” is defined as an irrational persistent fear. There is absolutely nothing irrational in being afraid of Islam.

Does it mean that all muslims are bad? Absolutely not, but the numbers of muslims with beliefs dangerous to the modern civilization is astounding and simply can not be discarded as some insignificant minority issue, because it’s not.

Anyone who wants to know what common muslims in Scandinavia think about sharia, stoning and segregation should watch this video.


Yes it’s true.

It’s also true a Jewish Rabbi was murdered in USA, Florida by a Muslim man.

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oh, I had got it wrong, thought that she killed himself.
In the German news came the information that also German - men and women - to convert to Islam (all very young, all active in the fight). Have no final opinion, but it is clear that with our previous company policy obviously something is wrong. Was several times in Islamic countries on vacation and never had problems … maybe we were too long disrespectful to tollerant same time …? Will we just deflected again by the media of a different problem? Currently, so much happens anywhere in the world, on the other hand, our personal environment which is not or only slightly affected. If they wont, that we only have fear, feel helpless, so that the political system works without contradiction?

Quit honestly, I do not know.

Radicalism of any form is usually abhorrent; but the fallacy that Islam is any more radical than radical branches of Christianity, Judaism, or even Buddhism (!!) is far more so.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the things that have happened at the hands of extremist Muslims are beyond words for horror. That does not, however, mean that Islam or Muslims are, simply by nature of their religious choice, somehow more likely to be extremists.

Personally, the Republican “Tea Party” (an essentially radical Christian movement) scares the crap out of me. Christian extremists in America have bombed several abortion clinics, gay nightclubs, a Jewish day-care center, and the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 (the biggest terrorist attack on American soil prior to 9/11).

Ditto for Extreme evangelical Catholics, etc. Jewish extremists have assassinated the Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and have massacred dozens of Muslim worshippers at the Mosque of Ibrahim in Hebron. Myanmar Buddhists, even now, actively seek death of Muslims in their country. Hindu Nationalist also have a history of bombings and attacks, as do pretty much any extreme branch of any organized religion.

Ask yourself why it is that media of the western nations are so eager to paint Islam and Muslims as “violent extremists” without regard for the reality that extremist factions make up roughly 20-30% of ANY organized religion (sociology, anthropology research; paywall/subscription required, my apologies)… if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll find there’s one thing that the Muslim nations have in abundance that the western world wants to control… oil.

Combine this with our recent discussions on the reality of cronyism in media and it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out why you always seem to hear more about Islamic extremists than any other.


wow, scared of the tea party. Radical Christians and Buddhist? I wonder what dreamland you’re living in.

BTW I ask myself not why the media in the western world paint Islam and Muslims as violent extremist, but why they bend over backwards calling Islam a religion of peace. If you don’t even see that then you’re not paying attention, and your views of these phantom radicals are nothing, but a dream.

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Don’t compare the followers or extremists. Take a look at the teachings of the religion. Take a look at Jesus Christ and Muhammad and compare the teachings of the two. The difference is like black and white. Where Jesus taught love and forgiveness, Muhammad taught death and revenge.


those people should openly and very publicly denounce the extremist side, such that when news breaks of some censorship, call for sharia, or beheaded infidel, you should see nothing but outrage from the moderates. yet time and time again we see nothing but apologetics.

also, the mere insinuation of islamophobia is just another way of getting people to shut up and take for granted the innocuousness of islam.

and yet later gave Crusades with massacres, witch burnings, massacres of their own “brothers” (Templar), various disputes within Christianity, spin-offs in the early period (Franciscans, Cistercians, Dominicans, Johaniter, Cathars, Benedictines, Jesuits ++) the Reformation with 30 years of carnage (certainly politically staged) to determine who has the true faith. Even in the Bible there is enough material to derive hatred and war against infidels. The story of the Israelites in the Old Testament (Judges / kings and the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc) is written with blood.
After all, Islam is about 400 years younger than Christianity and is possibly on the cusp of the Reformation. But two things are always in the game: profit (politically) and extremism (religion).

… one more thing, the video for recruiting “jihadists” are based heavily on “Grand Theft Auto”. "Come to us, here you can kill really …"
THIS development is reason for concern

Why? Because now all of a sudden everyone will lose the ability to differ between fiction and reality?
Come on, that myth exists in politics and media since - idk, new media exist.

The greeks said theatre corrupts the youth.
Goethe’s “Walther” was said to drive young men into suicide.
Movies were said to make young men aggressive.
MTV was said to make the youth dumb.
Computer games are said to produce serial killers.

It’s all been proven wrong. Why should this change here?

Why is this thread still alive guys?

Terrorists might form a threat, a religion doesn’t. And if the religion itself scares you then look at how many folks go from fundamentalist Muslim to non practicing or atheist in the span of two generations.


proven … what is that in our time, in which each of the most important will be since the invention of the spoon? Provocation to get into the public eye and get on youtube 50k clicks, that has been proven.
But that was not me. Rather the discussion that is triggered by safe again. In my hometown there is a saying: the affected dog barks …:slight_smile:

It’s already been proven in western europe that fundamentalism doesn’t vanish among new generation of muslims. A percentage of young fundamentalists is the same or even higher as among older muslims. And waiting other two generations for them to become reasonable and excusing their terrible beliefs in the meantime is beyond ridiculous.


I seriously question how fundamentalist they are when most of the middle eastern girls at my uni forgo wearing headgear and most guys drink alcohol.

@Chopstyx Nah, you got your facts wrong, only a small minority of probably 2% is radical, on the other Hand, christianity has alot of conversative, radical, christians, almost all of America are conversative radical christians. That’s a big Problem. Actually, every Religion is a Problem.

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Hmm you are university student and you consider muslim fundamentalism among the little percentage of the most educated muslims as a representative indication?

Christianity is as fucked up as Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. Every Religion is bad, most Christians are conservatives who would do everything for their god. Jews are murdering innocent civilians. Islam is beheading and killing civilians too. Hindus are putting ppl in jail for doing something that’s wrong in their religion. Short Story: No matter what religion, I would never want to meet a conservative. Fuck whoever hates someone for beeing part of a religion. I’ll go chill with my muslim friends now. :smiley: