Things to do in the Alpha

Or better north east

A Farmer, dont know where he works, he was on the way home when i met him. He dont like the Smith because he is to loud so i have to steal the flute for everyones peace :smiley:

Ahh of course, I gave directions to the blacksmithing station. The house is in a different part of the town it seems. Thanks Drizzad.

In your screenshot it is the big one in the front :smiley: so you are right too :smiley:

But i cant find the needed Item for the Q :smiley: if anyone find it pls tell me ^^

Found it in the room to the right :smiley:

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You can find the Farmer for the Quest at the first field you will cross if you beginn the Game

I’ve spoke to him multiple times, he complains about the blacksmith but doesn’t give me a quest. gone to speak to the blacksmith then I’ll go back and see if he says anything different.

yeah, you have to speak with the smith first. cause than you can say that you know him

Ok quest confirmed. Step 1 - Speak to farmer. Step 2 - Speak to smith, Step 3 - Return to farmer and say you’ve met the smith.

Got 8 / 10 Groshes now, dont know how to get another 2 ^^ I will try looking around. Game looks awesome, I like it ^^

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Same here 8/10 looking around for other quests.

Sharpening wheel, but nothing to sharpen

Mysterious man stood outside of the boundary

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yeah found him too xD but the invisible wall holds me off xD
Getting dark again, its hard to search when its dark ^^

Thank you so much! Could not find it.

Maybe you get the last two coins not through a quest, mabye you have to find it in a house ^^

If you follow the stream it leads to a glen inside of a forest, nothing much there but looks really pretty. [] (

Found it too, i thought i could find a camp there with a few coins :blush:

Yeah I was thinking the same, but nothing. People keep mentioning an orchard. I’m thinking that’s where I’ll find something maybe, but there’s not really any big standing out orchard.