Warhorse forum get-together

My skills are pretty low, but its enough to have some fun :smiley:
Today I lost four of my arrows together with a friend, one get lost in the field and three get broken… I will need some new ones.
I don´t know if I can take my bow to Prague, how it is at the border and if there would be a place to do it, and if its all legally in czech republic?

A mediaeval restaurant would be awesome, this would be the best ambience I think. :smiley:
Maybe in the evening on second day after a visit in a museum.

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Interesting question, the one with the bow
I wonder if I´ll be able to take my sword with me XD

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I dont think there should be any problems. But I never traveled with sword/bow abroad so I cannot truly say.

There are definitely some shooting ranges for bows in Prague, my friend does archery, so he has to do it somewhere.

I dont really know what you mean by “medieval restaurant” but if it is some “turist attraction” I would advise against it. Beer there will be expensive (in czech ratios) and it will be some “popular” brand with not that great taste eg… Gamrbinus, Kozel or at best Pilsner.
I am not saying that these brands are disgusting, but wouldn’t it be better to go somewhere where you can taste more kinds of czech beers?

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Yeah, we don´t need a tourist trap for sure, but maybe there are interesting mediaeval restaurants? I never was in Prague, you know your location better for sure, If you will have something more reasonable than we should go there. :blush:

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nice idea and thank you for your commitment! Prague is well worth a trip, beautiful city in any case, especially lit up at night. Late spring would be a good time, may be found as an event instead (Battle of Nations)? Is still plenty of time to plan …
Closer would be because the GC in Cologne. Think this year is expected for medieval fans be some there. Will there be any case (at the trade visitor day), perhaps some of us could already meet there (with a Kölsch - yes, a poor substitute for real beer :slight_smile: )?
@TobiTobsen WH has there own stand? or there will be an Czech Pavillion?

Yes, Warhorse will be at gamescom and @TobiTobsen is allready planning some community event. I will meet @YuusouAmazing at Gamescom, maybe you could also be part of meeting? :smile:

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could you guys sent me an email if you want to come. I know you already said it here. This is just to have all e-mails and names togheter so everything runs smoothly later.

Also I am searching for suitable places, in medieval style (except the beer pubs I wrote about earlier)
So far I have two (did not have much time)

Hospůdka U Rytíře (Tavern at the Knight’s)
It is not much but they have many kinds of mead and good beer. But “medievality” is at low level.
I would not recommend this place if my brother and his fiancée weren’t working there. We could then get some advanteges.

U Parléře (At Parler’s)
This looks very promising, nice touch to it.
Though, choice of beers is as I said (Kozel, Gambrinus, Pilsner). But for foreigner it might not matter much as these are three most typical beers you can get almost everywhere.

When I find more places I will start go check up on them. And of course write some short report.


like, I’m probably only at 4.8. evenings and 5.8. day (at the fair) in Kölle. :wink:

it would be cool to meet you all, personal.
But i’m in a life situation with a very small asset of money. :-/ :sleepy:

But you are Baron of Rataj, how could this game be successful without you? :fearful:

Yes that was my thought… :blush:
I would like to prove that the thing with my name isn’t a lie :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Your opinions are important for me…
Just to enhance my skill.

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I have to see how I can make it possible chances for me are not too high.

In general I think its a good Idea, would be great if some of the WH officials could join in.

and yes, I’m not dead :smiley: here I am, was afk for some time ^^

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At Parler’s looks a little … fancy ^^ But if the euro calculatur did the right thing it looks quite affordable!
Although it would be cool I personally don’t need medieval ambience, it’s most important that it’s big enough to be able to host a group like us and for the beer drinkers that they’re pleased :o)
@ProkyBrambora: Should … should I also send e-mail?

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Yes please do.

Truly At Parler’s looks fancy but the prices are quite nice. That is why I presented it here.

But as far as the satisfaction of beer drinkers goes it has just basic kinds of beers.
That of course depends on what each of the participants is used to and what he expects.

But I will look for some more palces more or less medieval with wider or more narrow range of beer offer etc. when I have some time.

So to update you guys I have come to decision that I would like to hold THE evening in Tavern at Knight’s.
It is for various reasons and things that I already set in the motion and which i want to keep as surprise.

If you dont like the place say it. We can do a vote then.
I am still going to look for some other places as back up. But I think that if everything works out this could be pretty glorious event.


Once you can define the date I might pass on the BotN and join the forum get-together plus add some days for studio visit. :smiley:

If you don’t mind to see a older man at Praha, who doesn’t speak English at a reasonable Level, I would like to join. :slight_smile:

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yea sure, enough beer and we will understand each other like brothers.

Anyway follow instruction above and I will add you to the list.

Instructions and rules, I always have to obey to them. :tired_face:

Ok, done.

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People who go should dress up as knights.