Well so much for that $60 thank you. Note to self never buy another game from this company ever

So I’ve been following this game even back when it was still on Kickstarter. I was so looking forward to this game however I play on PS4 so i had to wait to even try the game and all i could do was watch every video there was and i did so all the while craving more and more.

However all i can say is I am deeply deeply disappointed and a bit disgusted in this game. It ranks up there with the absolute epic failure of the game Too Human. All they had to do was make the player controls not absolutely suck but no thet wanted to be unique and we all seen how that turned out. Now we have a game that has more bugs in it even after the day one patch!! I still can’t even get to the next town in the game. Because it continues to freeze when I’m running away from the soldiers on the horse. Before any one askes yes I have Restarted the game 10 times I have completely deleted and reinstalled the game twice and im playing on a playstation pro WTH!!!

Now that aside because I’m sure eventually there’ll be another patch and I will somehow miraculously be able to even experience a little bit of the game until I find the next game breaking bug.

BUT now i want to explain the Too Human reference,


So what did you just deside oh players on counsels don’t need to lockpick? I have a friend that has this game on PC and apparently the lock picking easy. However on PS4 its next to impossible with analog sticks even more so because there’s no (very easy) locks to even get started in the first area Heck even the chest to get the hammer and nails is a easy chest the game itself says this chest is too difficult.

All in all I cant believe I wasted 60 dollars on this game it just proves that it was more about the money then making a good game over all if you are not formatted and ready for console players or is too difficult to make something work for the console players make it exclusively to the PC. Would have been better overall for your reputation. Instead this will be the absolute last game I ever even look at from you guys
emphasized text


2 days since release…


Very true another patch did sneek in there while i was at work tonight was my second reinstall of the game I deleted it before I went to bed yesterday tonight was my second reinstall of the game I deleted it before I went to bed yesterday.

Ps4 pro is having a hell of a time handling this game. It is by far the buggiest of all from what Im seeing. Blame sony for making dev a pain in the ass.


And if by some miracle the devs do read this look guys I understand you are trying to fix everything I do I really do get it. At the same time I am through the roof frustrated because I can’t enjoy this game at all i cant even play that game except the first little part.

Lockpicking is fine for me on console, stop whining bc it’s not easy like skyrim…


Been playing both console and pc. No earthshaking bugs. Encountered some and dealt with it. Lockpicking doable in both though easier with mouse for me since I am more proficient with it but my friend has no problem in picking locks on console.

I dont know whats up with freezes for some people but I hope it gets fixed. Otherwise the game’s amazing.


Bones I completely agree part of it is Sony and it is unfortunate but it goes back to my comment they should not have released it on the PS4 if they were going to have these issues or go ahead and release it but push it back a couple of months to fix it they’ve been very upfront hey it’s got bugs we’re gonna fix it in almost all their Kickstarter vid we would have understood we would rather them say yeah it s super buggy we don’t want to release it yet on PS4.

Waytomoo im glad its working for you and im sure at some point they will get another patxh out right now there is alot of people with the same problems that I am having. I just happened to be one of the unlucky ones that these bugs are affecting. And the lock picking maybe I am just horrible at it it’s completely possible and I freely admit that however when the game says the locks too difficult there’s a problem that’s the only point I’m saying.

I think its mostly ps4 pro not reg ps4 because it released when they were developing ps4. Idk, maybe you just have a special case? Let us know if that patch fixes anything. Also keep your anger in controll, ive waited whole time too and i understand. You dont want to say something you regret. Keep faith and patience. They have profited from this so that means that they can get more resources and materials to work faster smashing bugs out.
You have too keep in mind how much dan vavras neck was on the line. I think that if they delayed it any longer it was just digging a bigger hole. Idk thats my opinion but prob just ignore this last paragraph.

Bones i get what you are saying and part of this is just anger the bad part of the hole thing is it dose look very bad for them with the multitude of people reporting very similar bugs. Unfortunately however the reason I am saying they should have waited investors be damned is primarily because unfortunately the games already getting a bad rap do you tubers on everybody else reviewing on these bugs

Sir, is undoubtedly understandable, as you, there are thousand of people reporting those bugs, it is impossible to fix them one by one; just please be patient, and try to report the bugs as you do.
The patches will come soon, give it a try and you’ll see it’ll be worth


it is unfortunate.

I really hope they don’t casualify the game too much now because of a few loud kids.


I agree and like i said in my first post im sure the patches will come how ever for one of the people that cant play past that first town it sucks. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth if i had another PS4 to try the game on i would do so belive me i want this game to be good. As far as the issue that im having with the lockpicking again I am sure once I actually get to practice on a (very easy) lock I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it or once I rank up in the skil it will get easier again the problem is and why it sucks right now is there is no very easy locks in the first town.

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See here the thing to stereotype it as just kids having the problem is kind of ridiculous it’s not being loud or ridiculous to be mad or if somebody can’t physically play the game because it’s freezing or whatever people have a right and should be able to voice their frustrations


I don’t really think it’s a loud kid, I just think people tend to overhype things and follow to closely with releases of whatever they’re following (Movies, games, etc.)

Just sounded like the guy was super excited and had triple AAA expectations (But even then, triple A games have their own issues.)

I’m sure a sensible fix to the bugs and issues plaguing both consoles and PC’s will come about. These guys seem pretty passionate about the game - I don’t think they’d water down the minigame, but rather improve it for those who are using a controller.

All I can say is - people shouldn’t overhype things, nor’ should they expect perfect quality from a new company. From what I’ve experienced (On the PC) I’ve had my own fair share of bugs. But I deal with them and move on, I so far have felt I’ve gotten my sixty dollars worth.

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Vaereir once again i am glad their are people able to play the game truely and hopfuly when they do another patch it fix the game freezing and I get to play through it I’ll get to get on here and jump for joy and remove this post because everything will be great and gravy in the world was I super excited absolutely was I expecting it to be fantastic no not really again they truly were good about being very forward they have bugs however in my case the reason my bugs suck is I can’t play the game that is the only reason I even posted my frustrations the lock picking again I think I’ve explained and justified the reasoning and I even gone on the side of the devs as well

While you’re right to be frustrated about a few things, the game is actually quite good overall (at least on PC). These are the risks with getting a game the day it releases - there will be issues and it make take them a little time to get things ironed out.

My recommendation is that if you want a smooth experience with games like this is to wait a few weeks before buying or get a PC :smiley:

Lol bad thing is I thought about waiting a week I got too tempted and because I preordered it I did not want my copy to go out the window so to speak.