What about EASTER EGGS?

If a Monty Python reference, then it should be an encounter with a knight in black armor guarding a small bridge over a forest stream… :smiley:


Some random peasant saying that it would be nice to have 100 more strangers doing all the same tasks, overpricing the market and requesting people to hourly sieges. And then " nah…" =]

I mentioned this in some other thread, but if there’s going to be a Monty Python reference, have a bard sing a version of this haha


I really hope they will put A LOT of easter eggs all over the world, just to have more reasons (besides the beauty of the scenery) to walk around the country and search every little corner :stuck_out_tongue:


I Love finding Easter eggs in a game and “Quest for the Holy Grail” eggs would be AWESOME!
This game need load of them!!!

Enemies insults: “Your Mother was a Hamster and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries” Called it XD

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Easter egg hunting is always an awesome idea. Good example is book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline :wink: The better you hide 'em the more fun it is :wink:

pagan holidays would be great!

and the other type of eggs are ok too.

Easter Eggs are so fun! Skyrim did pretty well with most of thiers as far as hiding them in out of the way places so they don’t break immersion.

This would actually work REALLY well if you got a nickname from some of the bards when and if you get knighted. Like depending on your playstyle they can call you differend things in their song. If you’re playing more of a bard it’s “brave knight sir Silvertongue”, or assasin “brave knight sir Lightfoot” or warrior “brave knight sir hothead”, or some other names you guys can think of:)

I would be very dissapointed if the “wilhelm scream” isn’t in the game. If you do’nt know about it, it’s the most famous scream in movies/games/etc. It’s been in over 100 movies since the '50s. 3 examples are: LEGO games, Star Wars and Assassin’s Creed 3. Even though it’s not a natural scream it’s nice to hear it again, and is also quite fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdbYsoEasio


If we’re going to have someone scream something I’d rather it be Ihr Seid Verfluchte Hunde!

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I think easter egg conversations would be great. There’s a lot of possibilities.

I remember in Mafia II, 2 cops were talking to each other about Lost Heaven (Mafia I city) police and how strict they were :smiley:

So far best game for easter eggs is Van Helsing 1/2

I could think of a few easter eggs they could implement in the game:

  1. Two soldiers talking to each other about the upcoming battle. When one says “A wise man once said: every man dies but not every man really lives” (Napoleon Bonaparte) and the other replies with “Well…war never changes” (Fallout Intro)
  2. Going into a woodshop and when you can select questions to ask the merchant, you ask him “Do you perhaps sell any round tables? That would be nice for me and my fellow knights to use in our meetings”. (King Arthur)
  3. Create a murder around a farm and when you are trying to find witnessess you seem to find none. Then suddenly you encounter some chickens nearby and when you go near one, you can suddenly ask “Did you see anything?” (Bug Skyrim)
  4. Since bowling did exist in an early form it would be “nice” to have some particular person in a city/village come up to you and ask “Hey (instert name) do you want to go bowling?” (GTA Roman)
  5. Hearing some people talk about a bandit who steals from the rich and gives to the poor (Robin Hood).
  6. When preparing for battle, some soldiers/knights are shouting slogans like “To victory” or “No mercy for the enemy”, then you see three soldiers standing together and each one replies “You have my sword”, “You have my bow” and the last one “And my axe!” (Lord Of The Rings)
  7. While defending a keep, the attackers are encountering traps like spikes, boiling oil and such when you see some people jump off the wall onto the enemy who is trying to get there using ladders. When one shouts “Do a barrel roll!” (Star Fox 64)
  8. When the season is changing from summer to winter and people start complaining it’s getting colder, you hear someone say “Winter is coming”. (Game Of Thrones)
  9. When a female murderer is caught and a crowd gathers shouting propositions for an execution method, you hear someone respond with “Just burn her at the stake!” (Joan Of Arc)
  10. When wandering around the countryside, you encounter an strong but old mercenary. The mans tells you he’s quiting the life as a mercenary since he has done enough fighting and is getting to old to keep on going. He gives you his armor and some items but he inserts his sword into a big pile of rocks alongside the road and wanders off. (King Arthur/Excalibur)

Honestly, I’d prefer little to no pop culture references. I don’t know how that would mesh with the game’s immersion. Some things are kind of universal (“winter is coming” could fit into any context related to the seasons, really) but something like the Star Fox reference would just leave me shaking my head.

It’s not that easter eggs aren’t fun, and I’m sure we’ll get some good ones, but as much as they’re aiming for something that feels as real and authentic as possible, I’d hope they don’t get carried away with trying to be too clever with certain lines.

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Easter eggs ought to be both entertaining and subtle, but not intruding. They have to fit where they are placed. Should be implemented as something coming out of the context that you either recognise if you know it from elswhere, or pass it if you don’t.

Good examples were those like pointing out the danger of jumping into haystacks, “rumors” about giant rats or a pun on an exact number of things you have to kill. Quotations like “war never chages”, or “winter is coming” are more context dependent for a dialogue, but are not intrusive as relatively general statements, those would be great. Quoting Napoleon more than 3 centuries before his time would be a bit off. Stuff that doesn’t seem too obvious as a quotation and could be essentially said by anyone anywhere is always good. Like montypythonic “I fart in your general direction”, etc… :slight_smile:

Just got a nice idea for a fairytale reference:
You meet a young guy who is in love with a daughter of an important and powerful man (wealthy merchant/lord/…) that doesn’t agree with it. His daughter even recently disappeared and hasn’t been seen for a while by anyone.
The young man wonders about where could have a young lovestruck girl disappeared to and he gets a response: Maybe into a tower…
(which would also make a double pun domestically [Asi do věže…] for Czech speaking players who know our popular musical comedy Noc na Karlštejně / A Night at Karlštejn) :wink:

I think Dan Vavra is quite funny guy also Martin Klima and rest of the team. So I hope we will find some nice easter eggs. Also those rumours about casino in the Mafia game. That was quite epic :slight_smile:

It would be nice to find something original not cheap idea something. What about some kind of cave with dragons illustrations :slight_smile:

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maybe somebody already mentioned this, but an alternative horse would be a lovely joke I think … like for the coconut :slight_smile:


Monty Python Got its own thread :wink:

castle when you get the potions for the army