What's Everybody Playing Right Now?!

Funny thing
"Twitch", the message and information social website, took its name from
an informant of Batman The Animated Series, Season 1 Episode 39
This Guy, Twitch was killed by an shadow agent.

ESO is surely not free to play…

From what I know, if you pay for premium account you have only boost for exping.

Playing Batman Arkham Knight on main screen

and watch Batman (1989)/ Returns (1992)/ The Animated Series (92-95)
with my second pc screen

Michael Keaton was the best Batman 4ever!

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and im the penguin. Ill clip the bat jerks wings permanently


I do play Exanima (early access, enough content to already be really enjoyable) a lot these days along with the fantastic Kerbal Space Program and his tons of mod.

Arma 3 will steal your life, if that’s what you’re looking for.

Also I found a cool little dungeon crawler style game which goes by the name of WazHack.

GTA 5. finally the ban hath been lifted!

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This the day of reckonning, the Beast was unleashed.

You shall know the beast by its mark.

And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority…

Revelation 13:5


Lots of different things. Here are the main ones I’ve been playing:

X3:Terran Conflict
Space Engineers (on survival mode)
Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Dark Souls
Crypt of the Necrodancer

oh yea… I used to play Dawn of War a lot!
Though when Dark Crusade came I learned how to play the Necrons and I was no longer able to play as any other race.

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Try the ultimate apocalypses mod for soul storm. It makes Necron’s even more op than they already where. :wink:

I fear I stopped at Dark Crusade. Did not play the soul storm or any other later DLC.

You should give it a try. Ultimate apocalypse makes the scale of the game huge. So the battles really do feel like proper 40k. The titans added the the game are fantastic as well.

ProkyBrambora: I usually play either Tau or Guard. I’ve played Necron a few times but I’ve never really gotten into them.
Soul Storm is alright but I think Dark Crusade is better overall. I’ll probably move onto it after I finish the Campaign again.

SirWarriant: I’ll have to give that mod a try. Does it make it more like the tabletop or just huge battles with little to no pop cap?

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a hint
If you put @ before someones name, they will get a notification.

Ah that helps a bit. I don’t really post on forums (or social media).

Well i sadly haven’t gotten into the table top so i can’t say on that. The mod allows you to zoom out way farther on maps, increases the pop, adds many new units, makes the maps bigger, balances factions like space marines, ect.

Its a fantastic mod i highly recommend it.

I might install this when I get home from work.

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