Where do we get our key?

theres nothing on the pledge page for me? where do we get our key and where do we download?

I also haven’t anything on my page
 (KS backer)

Why we kickstarter backers can’t have a key?

Seems it’s not showing for Kickstarter backers.

Same here no Key for me Im also a KS backer

yep. KS backer here, no key to speak of
 I’m sure they’ll figure it out in no time though! heavy breathing

I hope they will fix that soon oO

They are aware and working on it now.

I have to login when clicking on game/pledge/media except when clicking community? And it says my email doesnt exist anyone know how to fi it?

Now I have a “show code” buttun. Its getting there! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now there’s a show code button, but it doesn’t show anything :C

Now seeing a “Show Code” box, but clicking it doesn’t show anything. Progress, at least!

same here, ‘show code’ but no code
yet. Can’t wait!

Well darn, looks like I have to leave this until tomorrow :frowning: Have work in the morning.

‘show code’ but no code here

Decided I didn’t actually want the world to know my email address haha, but yeah click the button and no code.

jep, same here.
“show code” button, but sadly no code :frowning:

Same: Show code, but blank

I get weird numbers and letters. But its not the code. Oh dear
 (KS backer)

Where’s that show code button supposed to be?!
Can’t see it.