(UPDATE)1.4 Q&A quest has been finally fixed

So when I asked specifically about the exact bug you describe, to the T, @WH_janrucker mentioned that it may take a while for Radzig to make his way to the camp. As in in game time, for the script to do its thing. Just a thought ride around let it sit and try it after a while in game time. I hope this is the fix because needless to say I am going to be irate if I just wasted my time for the last week after being assured this specific problem would be fixed.

unfortunately, as i said before, might need to wait 2 months (from release) for core reconciliation, bug fixing, functionality redesign to reach an appropriate state of development

to put some perspective on this. there are tons of objects in this game. the use of a mandatory object in one quest (etc) may be permissible in other quests/activities/etc (eg, what happens if i’‘borrow’ the engraving impression from the Rattay crown maker and the loose pages from the monastery before i even met with Nightengale?)

It was really naive to beleive that broken quests were going to unbreak with the patch.
You probably wont have bugs anymore with 1.3 if you did the entire quest again but the quest is broken on your save.

Sorry for u but did you really expect that you would load your game and the missing cutscene start ?..

After reporting to Radzig I have:

  1. Fast travelled to Rattay
  2. Waited until morning
  3. Fast travelled to Merjoed and visited Radzig camp there
  4. Fast travelled back to Rattay and found Radzig finally.

So, as you see I’ve skipped a lot of time , but it didn’t help. Wait even more, you may say. Perhaps, but I don’t have any hope left that this will work really.

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As I’ve mentioned before, for some people this quest was fixed retrospectively! So they’ve reported to Radzig, nothing happened, they’ve continued playing, figured that it’s a game breaking bug AND after 1.3 released they’ve loaded the game and the new quest popped up. One of them had to speak with Radzig in Rattay for this to happend. So you’re saying that I’m going to be left behind because I was cautious and didn’t continue playing after encountering this bug?

Reddit post I keep referring to:

@Maximuuus Naive huh?

I’d like you to read that and tell people thinking that , at least for this specific problem/quest, are naive.

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Ok, I’ll try to believe it. So, I just have to keep playing after reporting to Radzig and the quest will activate itself some time after?

P.S. To make things worse I just noticed that people of Merjoed doesn’t give a damn about me saving them and refusing the reward, because my reputation there is 50 as it was before the whole thing. This is like really terrible stuff…So, the people of Sasau love me 100% for saving a couple of refugees, but saving the whole village of Merjoed means jack shit. Disappointed…

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So got back from work. Same for me. Multiple days in game. Still no objective. Still no cutscene. Still no Radzig.

Never had a problem when Radzig doesn’t come to his camp. I’ve spent two days in Rattay (Radzig did arrive to Rattay on the day I’ve reported to him, in evening). Now he’s just chilling on the town’s square

P.S. Now (after waiting several hours) he just patroling over the castle. Not a sign of him trying to get back to the camp, I’ll try and go there myself and report if it helped.

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I even went back to my save prior, let me qualify that by saying an emphatic fucking 40 hours prior, to informing him and he does the exact same sequence. “Hold on don’t leave…” gets on his horse and off to Ratay he goes. Are we missing something? @WH_janrucker

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Nah…didn’t help. I came to this camp and nothing. Even spent a whole day and night there. Don’t even bother trying to fix this by yourself — IMHO.

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After the new patch automatically started the following mission, that’s good, because i can now follow the main quest, but i cannot see the cutscene of “questions and aswers” mission, that’s disappointing me, i wanna see the cutsecene pls.
I played after the patch 1 day in game to see if Sir Radzig went to the camp and still in Rattay, maybe is because now i have the next mission and the game skip the cutsecene.
I don’t blame the game, i’ts a increible game but this bug in the main quest was a little irritating, I hope you continue to work for the community and try to fix these important bugs as soon as possible.

Well I got it to work by going way back before I check on the cure in Pestilence and instead of letting the mob kill the prisoner (my previous decision which still didn’t work as I tried it), taking him Ratay. Went to Radzig and cutscene and all that shit. Advanced the quest. Basically the workaround from before 1.3. What a fucking shit show this Dev and QA team is. Anyway, fuck it. I’m over it. I’ll continue but this is the last Warhorse game I pre-order or even purchase on launch. What a shit show…

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Hello everybody.

It looks like, there have been some unexpected situation that weren´t account for. If you can´t still progress the quest after patching to 1.3, can you please send me the save files to my email? I will investigate further.

Thank you for your time and sorry that this fix didn´t work for all of you guys.

email: jan.rucker@warhorsestudios.cz

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Done. Hope it will help to figure out what happened there.

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Hello guys,

thank you for the saves you provided, it helped us a lot. Another situation that we didn´t know about was fixed and this fix will be a part of future patch.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Have good day.

email: jan.rucker@warhorsestudios.cz


Thanks, that’s great news! Any hints on when it will be released? Are we talking about some hotfix or it will be in 1.4?

at times, the NPC presence appears to have no connection to his presumed location to trigger an event.

i was supposed to meet Radzig at upper castle (to trigger trip to Merhojed) but he was stuck chilling on his horse in the lower castle. just went to upper castle. and viola, cut scene and there he was sitting down waiting for me.

Believe me, mate, I was everywhere and all over the place when trying to find a solution. I did all kind of crazy stuff, ran all over the castle, made several trips to Merjoed and back to Rattay again, I even fought Radzig (you can’t hit him, but you can riposte though), and slapped his horse. He started running for it, I followed, expecting him to sit on it and trigger something, but instead he came to Merjoed guard, told him what I’ve done and then was watching how I was getting arrested. It looked like kinder garden event, with Radzig standing behind the guard, pretedning like he’s the boss, cause the guard is on his side.

Restart the game or new game fix this ? im forever stuck in this situation?