IDK why people White Knight for stuff like this. You say you can play this game normally from start to finish, but surely you’re having a laugh? I’ve had at least five quests bug out in such a way I had to either kill someone I didn’t intend to kill or do the complete opposite of what I wanted because the other option was bugged and literally impossible to do. I cannot advance past the Pestilence quest, no matter what I do. That’s not playing the game normally in my eyes. These aren’t small bugs that you can just brush off and give the devs a pass for. Quests are completely broken, both side quests and main story. This might not be Arkham Knight level of broken, but it’s not far off. And Warhorse just rubs more salt in the wounds by giving us a timed Easter-themed event, making balance changes, and talking about DLC. Fix the game first. Nothing else should even be talked about until the game actually works as intended.
When you knock someone unconscious or kill them do they have a tag that declares them dead? Like Guard (Dead)? This is for the PS4 I really need to know. I’ve been asking everywhere.
Not in my game. Haven’t had that for weeks. I’m on PC, BTW.
I havent had any real game breaking bug and was able to go from 0-100 in a single playthrough. The only time I was forced to reload anything because of a bug was when ol’ Capon got his horse stuck on a rock after “oath is an oath”, so I had to reload the last save.
The rattay tragers shop had some funky stroboscopic lighting going on, and I think mathias is still paralyzed in his ‘bed’ after the plague, had one single random crash that never reoccured, and got momentarily stuck in a conversation loof with someone…which settled itself, oddly enough. and lastly, got stuck in a broken hairstyle selection exactly once.
Other than that effectively nothing.
I do not doubt that a significant number of players are having issues with their games, and I wish it was was working for them from day one, all this patchery is a bit annoying even to people with working games.
All I’m saying is, that I, personally, give a new team of a very small size some leway on their first ever release. But more importantly, continue to observe if they stick to their product, and keep working on it, to ultimately get it to work for (nearly) all people (there are always exceptions) Then proceed to watch how they handle DLC, Add-ons or a second game. I.e. see if they learn or not.
As far as I gather from this forum (and others) the engine used for this game is tricky to work with in rgards of keeping track of data/files when changeing anything, exept when very diligently documenting everything from day one.
If they were not as diligent as they maybe should have been years back in development, it may be that the result is the mess of trying to patch stuff now often causing new issues, and being so far back in the past, the root cause may not be possible to rectify, so they’re stuck with a very difficult task of patching.
I do not get the vibes, that WH are on a cynical chash-grab tour, but do believe in their vision.
So I am willing to accept that they may have fucked up on their first try in some regards, and won’t condemn them before they have shown wether or not they can learn and improve.
Also, it seems not everybody is having the same issues, so for some people, like myself, the game is working as intended for the most part.
In regards to DLC and addons, those were part of the equation from day one of kick-starter, when they plainly said,t hat they won’t likely be able to get all the stuff and story they wanted into their first game, and so planned to continue the stor etc and add some features later in dlc after the base game proved somewhat viable.
Also, I think with the diffrent members of the team a WH, not everybody is specialized or trained in the same things. So not everybody may have the expertise required for bug-squishing. I would not expect those team members to idly sit around, so whilst the people qualified and designated for bug killing do just that, the other may ver wel continue work on bits and pieces that were not wuite finished, so they can be added.
I belive, in this regards game devs are less like auto shops where basically everybody is a auto mechanic and can do all things auto, but more like a medieval sword smith workshop. Some are trained smiths forging the blades, some dedicated grinders grind the things to shape, others still setters up for assembly, people paid for polishing, others engravers, gilders, scabbard makers, etc. etc.
If they delivered swords with a lack of polish, they can assign the polishers to rectify that, but what do the others do? sit idly by, or do what they can to add?
I’m willing to give small teams leeway as well. Bugs like the horse getting stuck on fences, people having no heads, the camera looking at nothing when I’m talking to someone, glitching through certain objects, etc. I can look past. Quest breaking bugs though? Absolutely not.
They rushed this game out so they didn’t have to compete directly with Far Cry 5, and it shows. It’s essentially an early access game for full price. And again, when the devs are joking around having fun with an Easter event with a clearly broken game, it’s a slap in the face.
As for the Kickstarter rewards, they should’ve been in the game at launch, period. By not having them in, you’re essentially telling backers to wait an unknown amount of time before they get what they paid for. This is a SP experience, not a MMO. If someone finished the game in the first few weeks after release, there really is no incentive to go back and play through the game again.
This game is a prime example of why I stay away from Kickstarter/early access games. I waited a few weeks before buying this to let them sort of the bugs and patch them out. Seems like the game is in a more broken state now than at launch. How long do we have to wait before we can actually play the game?
Thank you for your effort in attempting to draw blood from this particular stone. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought he was talking gibberish, I was worried I was having a stroke for a moment there.
I agree, I truly hate people acting like there is nothing wrong.
Telling us this is not a AAA game and telling us that WH is just a small team while WH ask AAA price tag!
First acting like the game is finished and later saying I wished we had more time!
Face the reality and remove your head out of there asses. If I knew this game was this bad I would not even buy it. I have not played this game after patch 1.3 and I won’t play it in 1.4 either but they already have my money.
I can buy much better things with that amount of money.
I never claimed there was nothing wrong with the game. But claiming it is totally unplayable and broken fro everybody is also not quite correct.
And to be honest, I don’t get why the price tag depends on AAA status or not. It is a large game with a large scope, world and story, and for that content, I think §60 bucks are the common price these days.
I am grewing increasingly tired of people who are frustrated with the game broadly painting every single person, who is not, as a paid chill or a “fan boi” or a sucker for WH. Basically proclaiming, that only the frustrated voices are legitimate, all other opinions are heresy. Attempts at nuance forbidden.
I take bug reports with a grain a salt. With every Fallout or Elder Scrolls release, people say, “it’s the buggiest game in the world.” I’ve played every Fallout and Elder Scrolls game going back to Morrowind. I’ve experienced a few bugs here and there, all of them minor with one exception in New Vegas. There was a quest-breaking bug on a side quest. I skipped it and went back to it when it was patched.
I took the same approach going into this game. I started playing, and for the first few hours, I didn’t have many issues. The camera looking at nothing in dialogue was really the only issue. As I played the game, embarked on some quests, that changed. The horse would get caught on fences like it had it a giant magnet attached to it. Quests started bugging out. Zmola glitched out and stood in one place during a quest, Fritz & Matthew stood above the quarry and wouldn’t move during a quest, The game froze when I tried to talk to Charlatan during another quest, and here I am now, stuck in the Pestilence quest because it crashes to desktop once a cutscene activates.
As I mentioned, I waited a good two weeks before buying this game. Usually after a few weeks, the major bugs are patched out and you’re left with things like the horse getting stuck on fences. Not in this game, though. It seems to be the complete opposite. $60 is a common price for a FINISHED game of this scope. This very clearly wasn’t finished when they sold it to us, and the price should’ve reflected that.
That’s a myth
Probably true. It just added 100 new ones.
1.3.4 was, for me, fairly stable and playable. 1.4 breaks the main quest and a multitude of other quests. Not all bugs are equal. The ones that they have introduced with 1.4 are many times greater than the small ones in 1.3.4.
I am not panicking or ranting either. A game killing bug might be one line of code. The problem that I have is that 1.4 clearly demonstrated a lack of testing. Whether that is because the code is poor quality or because not enough effort has been devoted to testing I do not know, but no way does a properly tested product get out the door in the state that 1.4 did.
What I want to see, especially if WH plans further installments, is a commitment to testing. Develop a test harness that plays through the game at accelerated speed. Develop a scripting method that allows you to drive choices, such that use paths can be covered. At a minimum devote time and effort to code coverage. Whatever they think is best, but for all that is good and proper … TEST!
Agree. Thing is, this seems to be the way of work inside the WH (for whatever reasons) so future patches don’t seem very optimistic in that regard.
Just found out that a (former bugged) quest which gave me no problems with 1.3 is now bugged again…ye…it’s a joke indeed -.-
it seems like a change control problem: (a) a change was made to address one issue but corrupted another area that didn’t get regression tested and/or (b) there was a breakdown in creating the release package for production. previously with the torch corruption, WH said it was (b)
I hope it’s just a broken patch file, if all the new bugs must be reproduced and analyzed first, the next fix could take some time.
I’m beginning to think that WH has created a monster that it either doesn’t have the knowledge or manpower to tame. They seem to be out of their depth. Either bring in more experienced coders, or sub-contract some of the more technical work out. As it stands, the status quo isn’t working out. They release a patch and break even more stuff. This kind of behavior cant be doing their rep any good in the eyes of the supporters and wider afield.
WH might not have rebuilt nearly everything as alleged with Ubi’s Dunia, but WH did tinker with cryengine. so, bringing in experienced coders might not yield as much as one might expect (at least in near term) because the idiosyncracies are likely the source of some of the patch issues.
sub-contracting has similar pitfalls but depends on what the contract is. maybe WH needs more RL testing (one could view it as stress testing as users often push games in ways the studio never intended or aniticpated) and more effective issue identification
they are probably rushing things, they should jsut delay the patches and do like 1.5 or 1.6 like that.
Isn’t avalible on console now is it?