1.4 for ps4

So does anyone know when 1.4 is supposed to drop on ps4? I’ve looked online everywhere for answers and found nothing only that its coming.

same old Daniel line: once PC out on steam; versions sent to MS and Sony for qualification (certification). time takes 7-14 days depending on whether issues are identified. so hyper optimistic view is that PS4 users may have 1.4 in time for Orthodox Easter (Apr 8th)


Thank you sir. I couldn’t even find the info you gave me either it was all the same stupid articles just talking about the patch notes so 2 weeks is still good to know even if it is a little longer just having an approx time is better than indefinite

Was a bit tricky with 1.4
It HAD been submitted yonks early- then they did tonnes of internal testing.
Some fight mechanic was glitching ‘rarely/sometimes’, so it didnt release as early as expected.
Then the PC version being found with missing data would have enforced yhem to resend the 1.4 for testing with console platforms (Sony/Microsoft)…

This did push it back, sure,… but it looks like all ontentions were there to have it release for consoles as well, ‘prior to the weekend’.

They are having a hard time of it… having been years of work, and then ‘no holiday’, rather three months more of patching/improving (six weeks of polosh on lip sync etc after gold master/prior to release).

Chances are its just one coder fully exhausted who is losing vision who is bug creating (accodentally/fatigued), whilst the rest of team are realising they got no way of knowing whos done what and when…
Its a lil chaotic.
It wont matter after six months of modding has been happening on a ‘final build’.
We might be a month away from a build that the modders decide to consider final…
Then we get ‘unofficial patch’, which will probably start making the game truly dynamic again…
Console users might get mods that dont feature graphics etc…

Presently the game has a handful of bugs and a few quest dialogues and selections that need to be righted.
Combined with some engine noise with late game to be figured (this is all solvable with a small amount of time).

In the meantime… I enjoy bushwalks at night and picking shruberries.


What did you mean by this? Can you elaborate?

Sony put a restriction on mods for Skyrim- seemingly to do with graphical content (textures?) being added. (Can cause media nightmare when a family friendly console is pushed to do unrated media)
Consensus when modding for KCD was first announced seemed to indicate that would be the rule for console mods… (most likely official mods can have graphical updates, but if a mod community is allowed to get to the console platforms certain restrictions might follow)

Sony won’t allow external assets to be added. so no new graphic assets. but that doesn’t mean there are no graphics mods for PS4. FO4 has a good number of graphics related mods.

if by graphics one includes the notion of reusing/modifying object ‘skins’, Andrewcx has created some very popular mods for just this. seasonal foilage. retexturing armor. retexturing wall surfaces, etc

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So no new content, but maybe some modification to existing content?

If that’s true I wouldn’t waist time with it.

Since (at least my experience) console version is more stable than Windows one, i don t feel so hurry to download this patch! My game works good, no Major bug discovered, and if patch corrupt save?

Doesn’t console have to get 1.3.4 or did we already get it? Or will it be with 1.4?

Well, unable to riposte with axe and mace is bad. It’s not a gamebreaking bug, but it would be nice to have it fixed soon.

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Unable to complete the riposte training for axe and mace but sword is doable but you still cant do it in normal combat out of the bernard training. Its pretty god damn annoying though since every npc can do it against you and there is no way to block it so…

I must be a lazy/terrible axe/mace fighter. No master strike (not once in +1200 enemy kills). Just avoid, shield block, counter … R2 when close then stab or upper right slash… if lands try chain with lower left slash and another stab or (above/upper left) slash.

I’m at 20 in strength, agility, vitality… so maybe that allows me to get away with it.

I can still fight easy enough since the combat has been made ridiculiusly easy, its just one of those really annoying bugs… a bit like when holding the dpad to get the torch out didn’t work :stuck_out_tongue: since i could do these things on release and now all of a sudden i cant it irritates me lol
On release the bandits in skalitz were more challenging and now with even 1 strength they are taken down in 2-3 hits even if they’re blocking.

Friday and still nothing? :frowning: