1.4 on Xbox?

It is Easter, and the Easter update 1.4 has not come out on Xbox. Is this just for me or all Xbox?

I am afraid, that you have to wait for certification proces, which is depend on Microsoft … so maybe we will have Easter at Christmas …

Freaking Microsoft

It hopefully will hit Thursday certification doesn’t take a long,time assuming they,sent 1.4 out last week along with pc

Tomorrow is Thursday it should hit tomorrow.

Believe,me I’m,counting,the minutes I have stuttering,issues and,I’m not restarting again this is the 7th time each time,I made it to pribtslavotz and,then stutter,got,bad so deleted it all and restarted

If the patch is okay they work fast. If the patch is not okay they work slow. Better than savegame thrashing Updates like on PS4

I’m just murdering everyone as a Templar in AC Rogue remastered while I wait.