1.9.3 is the final update?

I red this is the final update. Is that really true? No further bug fixes in this patch, just a mod tool?
So many people have crashes with AMD Ryzen 3000 and you won’t fix this any more?

That’s really a shame. You can’t let the game in this current state.

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I think there will still be future updates, but only sporadically (not often), and only to patch bugs. Probably no new content updates. I have found that KCD really isn’t that buggy.

:yum::+1: x2


I realized KCD rendering issues must come from the fact that there are NO interior cells, All stores and Cities load up as well as forests, Example Fallout 4 diamond city is a separate interior cell, all houses and taverns are interior cells, it takes a lot of drag off the loadup. I believe that’s the source of these rendering issues.


The question is whether future hardware will be much faster with it or whether it’s an engine limitation that will never be faster.

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Yes, it is. As I said long before the release, the engine was built for a simple shooter and it’s hard to create a whole new genre in an engine that never wanted to showcase it. Check out other CryEngine projects that are still fitting and use shooter designs (but kk, most use an updated version of the engine). So if you do not spend more effort, this is always a limitation of the engine! Why? This can be read from various experiences with a little different hardware. The result is ultimately that people attack each other because of their “bad” PC! Not the PC, it’s the engine. But that’s something that people will never relaize if they just want to play only! Okay, there is everytime a chance that a PC can have a broken Hardware but not so often as games losing fps! :smile:

Nice to see you in Discord. Snarky (Alienware comment) per usual :wink::joy:

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I’m sorry for that comment but is everytime a comedy show for me how people throwing her money to Alienware out whenever it is possible to get the same Hardware for lower prices.

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How can be if trere are still plenty of bugs? Right now I am stuck on the bug of Saintly Remains and I can not advance in the game. I refuse to go back to a previous savegame that I do not know if it is the solution. Not even using a cheat to remove the bowl of my inventory, the guard is always calling me thief and game crash.