13-minute combat video

The private investor only put up one or two million according to Warhorse. And Deep silver got involved so late in development it’s unlikely much of their money went to anything but marketing, and maybe some of the later polishing.

Overall that’s what maybe 3-4 million dollars total? That’s not much at all when you figure in employee costs, fees for their building, and utilities, for the actual development of the game.

Witcher 3s overall budget was around 81 million dollars.

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We don’t know what deep silver has done, so let’s not make assumptions.

They have an investor, a publisher, and public funding, so they aren’t independent anyway you slice it. I’m not willing to hold them to such a low standard as “indie”, they don’t qualify.

Yes , but the around the time of Deep silvers partnership with Warhorse ( the public announcement) was around the time Hellboy said the game only had optimisation and polish left.

Maybe not independent anymore (but they certainly were for majority of the development), but they certainly have the budget of what you except most indie studios to have no?

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They definitely have more than what I’d expect an indie studio to have. They raised over 2 million USD through crowd funding by october 2014 (going on to top 4 million by august this year), that on top of their investor is far beyond what I think of when someone says “indie”.

They’re certainly a small studio, but that isn’t the same thing.

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Not true, during kickstarter, they claimed that the 500k USD they asked for is supposed to be 10% of the budget and the rest would be paid by the investor (i.e. at least 4,5M), and that was with expected release date two years ago, which means the expenses are in the end a lot higher. They also got over 4M usd just in crowdfunding (though you need to deduct all the expense like tax, rewards etc), than there was 1M usd investition before the kickstarter to make the prototype. And then you have Deepsilver, who are most likely investing in marketing (which is also relevant when you mention 81M usd for Witcher, since HALF of that was actually only for marketing).

Budget of KCD is easily over 10M USD just for the development, IMO over 15M considering the delays, but that is only a guess. They have team of 100 they need to pay, if you do basic math using average wage in Prague, they need 2,7M per year only for wages of their empolyees, and I think they pay a lot more than average wage considering they need skilled programmers and other high qualified jobs…

I just wanna let the Kingdom Come Deliverance team know that I as a fan stand behind you. :slight_smile:
(And hopefully many others!)
Nevertheless I hope that you take the critics seriously and improve the weak spots (mostly the AI combat stiffness)

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Being an indie game or not, i think the combat is really interesting and something completely NEW! OK some animations and combat stances look weird sometimes. But, not knowing much about AI development in video games, I think it must be very difficult to make dynamic battles with tons of npc’s and still make them believable (which warhorse definitely did!) The only thing I have to say, not wanting to offend anyone here, is that we are getting too DEMANDING about everything, and no just in terms of gaming:(

Idk about other people, but i liked combat even in beta. I even played in it only for combat, ha-ha. They’re just too lazy to learn things. There’s nothing hard to learn about. Yeah, it looked(in beta) clumsy, but now it’s not that bad. Some people just need to get into it and they won’t be able to stop. Besides, when we’re gonna be able to change the buttons( i meant for switching between opponents, cus it’s not that comfy with MMB), then the game is gonna be much easier to play against a few foes. :face_with_monocle:

P.S Combat system is looking interesting, but casual players are gonna cry about it, he-he. :sweat_smile:

I mean combat in large battles. There the AI is sometimes just standing around, doing nothing.

It’s just something with AI triggering(?). But what we’ve seen is just a build, not the full game with all the stuff, so i don’t think, that we gonna see this in the final game. About the large battles, i guess there’re problems with AI about who’s going to attack first(?) from them. And some people are crying about having duel mechanics, but they just can’t stand the fact it looks like buhurts(most people don’t know what is that). It’s almost impossible to make something working like that with free battle roaming(or how to say that) like in M&B or Witcher. I hope, that in the final game we won’t see the same problems. :face_with_monocle:

-(?)- I guess so, cus i don’t know how AI works there in such a situation.
P.S I’m not saying, that i’m right in all the stuff, but i just thinking about how does it works.