3rd person continuation

Argue against their suggestion, not against them. I’m tired of hearing crap about the kickstarter, pledging, or about “whiney customers” or anything that refers to the group of people suggesting it.

Argue the topic of third person, NOT against the people who want third person.

But for the record, just to set this straight, I’m waiting to see if they will add a physical collector’s edition to the pledge site before I pledge, since I don’t wanna go for the digital viscount only to have them add a physical copy afterwards.

See my thread here: Physical Collector's Edition


Just a note for all those who are talking about how warhorse wants us to experience the game, lets get serious here, it’s likely going to be modded in when the game is released, this is not a question about them changing the game experience or anything, it’s not like we’re asking them to change the time period, setting, or anything of that nature, all we’re asking for is camera options.

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Yes. If you can’t debate the point itself and express criticisms that way, don’t get involved. As soon as people start insulting others for their POVs it goes to crap.

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Just stop trolling. Don’t bother. There will be no 3rd person view as was stated long time ago.

If you really want it so hard, wait for mods, but don’t force it to the vanilla game for all of us, thanks.

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they want to create full body awareness, to do that, they need a lot of time and resources going into first person mode and not any other perspective modes. anything else takes time away from it and can result in lower quality full body awareness. i don’t understand why this is so hard to understand.

3rd person mod will come out after mod tools are done. thanks.

I wrote it somewhere in the forum already once, but I think it bears repeating.

First: properly implementing third person perspective is much harder than it seems that most of the people imagine. You can’t just reuse the code for first person. Within combat it requires different timings and different controls feel natural. I think it is better to properly polish the game with one specific point of view than try for switching. This was intended and presented from start as first person game adding third person view would affect combat and quest design. It also can have impact on world design (what works for first person doesn’t work for third person and vice versa). Yes you can have both. Skyrim is prime example of that, both first person and third person there have issues that could be IMHO avoided if they concentrated only on one point of view. There are number of compromises in design and implementation to allow the switching to work.

Second: From what I seen there are only two objective reasons for wanting third person (“I want it” doesn’t count as objective reason). Vanity (I want to see how my character looks) easily solved either by mirrors or some screenshot like option. And more importantly some people suffer simulation sickness in first person mode. To be honest the simulation sickness is not inherent to first person mode it is just that third person mode has usually more options in preventing it (mostly steady camera while character moves). I have seen third person games that made me sick. The simulation sickness is more not enough testing and bad design issue than first person issue. There is enough research done on this subject that it is relatively easy to adopt measures that prevent people from getting sick (FOV slider, option to turn of view bobbing…)

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I would add a peripheral vision reason. Third person perspective is somehow better at this. For some people the tunnel vision is as disturbing as flying camera behind the character for others.

That fits under the simulation sickness. And can be solved by intelligently implemented FOV (FOV - field of view)

It is annoying but I wouldnt call it sickness. I do not feel dizzy or something… I just lack awarness of my surrounding, which keeps reminding me that Im not in-game but looking at my monitor.
FOV only helps a tiniest bit. Also it deforms your wiev (at least in my experience) so the it reduce one problem and create new.

not only. some people suffer from sim sickness no matter the FOV setting.

How about this: 3rd person always gets abused in stealth: Like looking behind a crate, wall,…
It would totally say fuck you to realism. And you just know when the guard gets around the corner, and its no surprise anymore and not realistic at all.


Somebody could stand right next to you and you wouldnt notice becouse of your tunnel vision. Annoying, when he/she wants to attack you or if you want to be unseen.
I’m just saying, that both approaches have their pros and cons - even if we speak about realism and immersion. Unless I have 3 monitors first person is as unrealistic to me as third.

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You must be a terrible player or you just making this up. Never heard anyone complaining about that even in discussion about game like Deus Ex: HR played on stealth which i recently finished again.

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Is Kingdom Come Deliverance going to have the option of 1st & 3rd person view? 1st person only game are terrible! I VERY strongly suggest that they incorporate both!

Your suggestion is duly noted :rofl:

These guys are hillarious :DD

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If the game won’t be in 3rd person too I won’t buy sorry .
I already saw in all the videos a lot of animation shacking and constraint view, I would have a serious motion sickness if I had to play like this all time so … I really hope they will implement it since I also saw that its present.

Implement it

Its already settled.


Oh Ok , thanks so I will not buy .

good, good :slight_smile: