5 uniforms quest done, still have the key now flagged as stolen

Long time ago i completed the quest where i needed to steal 5 uniforms, optional objective was to steal the key.

Completed this mission and the option to get the key, now I’m very far away from this and still have the key and the BIG problem is that this key is flagged as stolen, i was not removed from my quest tab inventory when completing the mission.

Each time i am controlled by guards they find something wrong, this key, they say they took it but i still have it in my quest tab, if i avoid the control using eloquence then they get pissed at me and my rep vs guards gets lower and lower each time this happens …

I played maybe 15 hours further than this quest, 12 days have passed in game time since this, maybe even more but still flagged as stolen, no way i restart all over again, so how the hell can i get this key removed or not marked as stolen anymore please ?

Thank you