A quick list of 'that'd be cool'

I love the tiny details in KCD, like your sword making sparks against stone. (I didn’t realise it made a flash until I was in a cave) So, because of those tiny details, I find myself craving things. Here’s a quick list of some things I’d like to see.

  • rain could put out fires, until someone came by (or woke up) to relight them. Cold food could make you sick.
  • water slowing movement (the horse seems amazingly good at galloping through a metre of water)
  • KCD strikes a good balance between sim and game… the horse is a good example of this. But I’d love to see something small like tying up your horse. If you don’t, you risk it running away for a period of time.
  • when sitting down, most of the menu could fade out so you can admire a view
  • item drop sounds

    Okay, just a few! But feel free to add your own… as long as it’s specific and not “fix the in game economy” :wink:

I got to see the action in the bathouses.


Really? Kirstky, really?

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  1. Prybislavitz (From the ashes):
  • Palisade, tailor, town decorations (flowers/statues) and bathhouse for Prybislavitz.
  • Banners and Waffenrock for Prybislavitz where you can choose your own colour and symbol.
  • Defending Prybislavitz from regular bandit/cuman attacks.
  1. Weapons:
  • Equipable and skillable halberds. Also defending skills against halberds.
  • Bigger two-handed axes.
  1. NPC:
  • Horse riding NPCs (bandits/cumans/travelers).
  • Horse drawn-carriages on the roads like in the beta trailer for KCD.
  1. Animals / Forest:
  • Wild animals like wolves and bears which attack you.
  • Birds in the forest!
  1. Menu options:
  • Option to hide HUD completely.
  • Option to hide/not show helmet in dialogs and non violent cutscenes (some have it already).
  • Option to turn on the volumetric fog.
  • Option to turn off arrow trails.
  1. Storyline:
  • Longer love story with Theresa. Just doesn’t feel right to meet her three times and then she ignores you for the rest of the time.
  • Why does Henry not fold his hands while praying or walking through the monastery?
  1. Tournament:
  • Cutscene introduction with Hanusch from Leipa opening the tournament. (Was disappointed when there wasn’t even a single cutscene).
  • Atleast 4 to 5 rounds til end, not just 3.
  • More different enemies. Harder boss fights in final round.
  • More viewers watching from the walls aswell as viewers holding banners of their representives.
    (7 to 8 more peasants would already make a huge difference!)
  • Not always the same opening speech/word choice from the Herold in every round.
  1. Stealth:
  • Opportunity to throw stones to distract guards.
  • When you use torches at night, guards should be alerted and see you immedietely. By now u can just crouch with a torch in the middle of a bandit camp at night and no one sees you just because their sight is lowered at night.
  1. Goddamn this game has so much potential.
    Btw. I know there are some workaround mods which brings some of these things, but I’d like the game itself to have these options.

On the topic of Theresa, I’d like her to smile when she runs… and maybe puff a bit. It felt like I was running against the Terminator…

Also, (on the topic of quests) it’s quite weird when helping people like Fritz when they say, “Come and see us when we have money and we’ll pay you back.”, just before you pay them 60 groschen for training :slight_smile:

  • Volumetric fog
  • Customizable HUD
  • Dialogs in full screen without black borders
  • Mouse support in dialogs
  • Horse riding NPCs outside quests
  • Crossbows
  • Alpha forests and vegetation
  • More atmospherical nature sounds
  • Raytracing and visual (engine) upgrades
  • VR support
  • Bears, cats and children!!!

Thanks chessqueen, you mentioned two things I wanted to add to my list.

I always missed bears and wolves in the forest. Wild agressive animals who could attack you would give so much more to the atmosphere in forests. Escpecially at night. It would improve overall game experience, since there would be another danger than just bandits as your fast traveling…

The other thing I always asked myself why there aren’t NPCs on horses… every other RPG does this. There’s even a horse drawn-carriage in the beta trailer of KCD. Why they chose to remove this? Would improve the general atmosphere also when there would be riding NPCs and driving horse drawn-carriages on the roads. Also what’s the point of being able to fight from the horse, when there are no horse riding enemies?

Really hope these two things will be added to the game in the future more than anything else… I would buy a DLC for it. It’s really missing in this game.

Fishing would be nice so i could actually feed myself and waste some time

VR support for sure would be wonderful (Rift, Vive).
Small issue but think it’s very odd when rain produces no Character/NPC wet skin, or splashes on the armor especially in cut sceenes. A bit immersion breaking.
More woodland creatues, insects etc

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Splashes on armor would be cool!

There are splashes on armour… and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them in cutscenes too…

Well there is already volumetric fog it’s just not listed in the graphics options. I guess for performance reasons, but I turn it on and it runs fine… Just add this line to your user.cfg file… if you don’t have one make one with notepad and add this line in it then drop it in your main kcd folder…


then make sure to set your launch options in steam to +exec user.cfg

The HUD is also customizable through mods. This is just one of them https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/72?tab=description

There are also visual upgrades… Just add them to your user.cfg file… this is my personal settings…

e_svoTI_SpecularAmplifier = 0.82
e_svoTI_TemporalFilteringBase = 1
e_svoTI_MinReflectance = 0.19
e_svoTI_DiffuseAmplifier = 1.12

r_Sharpening = 0.9
r_ChromaticAberration = 3.7
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0.44

I also use this reshade… https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/632

I’ll make some before and after shots.

I already mentioned that I know that there are workaround mods.

I’d like to be able to say… “back at ya” when you meet randome people saying “watch where you are walking”

Going hunting with sir radzig

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Very good ideas, Grieswurst. I have long wanted to be able to keep, use, and sell the halberds and guisarmes which I sometimes pick up.

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That would be cool. :slight_smile: Maybe there could be a little contest as to how much either one of us can harvest in X amount of time.

new freakin armor! thats what i want to see. and i want to be able to take things to the engraver in sasau

I’m sure Warhorse will add new armor from time to time anyways…
For me personally other things are way more important…

Tavern life:
-order food/drink including a round for everyone at your table
-chat w NPCs at table
-play cards
-deal with drunks and hotheaded disputes (escalate, neutral, de-escalate speech options)
-throw parties/festivals (w festbier)
-seduce unattached (or get shot down) (via speech checks)
-host farkle tournament
-initiate drinking game(s) (via speech checks)
-sing a Czech song/recite Czech poem (among peeps at table, each person repeats the appropriate verse. Rotate till someone messes up; too slow or wrong verse. If get it wrong, have to drink or suffer some punishment/penalty)