Account problem

I’m a Knight level backer, and would like to see if I have access to the beta now.

As you see, I can sign on to this forum. However when I click “Get the game” I’m directed to here and am no longer signed in. If I try to sign in there, it rejects me, even though I use the same user/pass to sign in here without any problem.

Do I need a separate account for the site where I download the game, and if so, how do I register it with backer status?

Hello @ErikNM,

maybe @DrFusselpulli can help you.

Yes, it is another account.

Have you changed/used the email address you used at Kickstarter?
Have you tested the “Forgotten Password” funktion?

Thanks, that explains it. I don’t have access to that email account any longer though. It was a Neomailbox account, which I migrated away from last year. I thought I had updated the email settings of all my accounts, but didn’t realize I had 2 accounts here. :weary:

I did register my Knight badge here. Can that be used to verify me?

EDIT: I was able to sign in to the old Neomailbox account (it’s only deactivated). Recovered the support confirmation I received from That hopefully helps. I’ve emailed Warhorse the information.

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