Advanced graphic settings keep resetting [PC]

From time to time (I don’t know what it actually causes) my advanced graphic settings just reset. I don’t know wether it is related to a new texture mod or whatever, but the settings are not persistent.

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Well I only have two texture mods I guess. The one that changes the waiting clock and the very unintrusive reticle mod. The optimized graphic presets is not in the list.
Didn’t think a texture mod could cause that.
So I reckon setting the attributes.xml to read-only is the only thing I can do…

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Every now and then, and I also have not been able to figure out why, the advanced graphics settings will go to default and shift from full screen to windowed all on its own. Have tried the posted ‘fix’ above… Just adding my 2 cents for what its worth…

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Well advanced settings definitely change when the graphics settings get changed. Don’t know why there is this connection. If you know it’s okay, but otherwise you get quite surprised why everything is at default again.