Alchemy basic training not available?

Hi there i am trying to learn alchemy but the basic option when talking to the trainer in rattay is not available. The first option is slightly advanced. Does anyone know why this maybe or any other ways i can learn?

This is how it looks for me.

I started a new game with the DLC, I had had the option.

Running any mods?

No mods. I have had the save file for a few weeks now. My Alchemy skill is at 4 due to natural progression. Could that be why?

You can only train Alchemy/Skill once(per Basic Level 1-4;Slightly advanced Level 5-9;Advanced Level 10-14;Master Level 15-19), at every Trainer.
Have you trained Alchemy before with the apothecary, in Rattay? If yes it´s no more avaiiable…

I’ve not trained with him before but when i completed a quest to help the monk in sasus i got a big boost to my alchemy skill.
When I talk to the trainer in Rattay about slightly advanced training, he suggest i start with the basics first but will not allow me choose that option.

Guess I’ll just have to do without, there dosen’t seem to be away to fix it.