Alchemy- How do i distill?

How the hell do i distill a potion. I am trying to make spirits, when i get to the distill process i can’t work out how to get the potion from cauldron to the still.

Am I missing something obvious?

I am on ps4

pick up a phial, point at the distler click. you need to use the bellows once you’ve done that. good luck.

You are an absolute legend.

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Any advice on the Lullaby potion? I have done everything it says in the book but it always comes out as “Unknown Potion”. Cant figure out how to make it work. I am doing everything word for word. I pour the oil in the cauldron, add poppy, pump billows till its boiling, turn hourglass till it empties, add thistle boil while the hourglass empties again, wait for it to cool, add herb paris… Once I fill the phial it never comes out right. HELP!

I will spam potions then go get the lullaby recipe and see if i can figure it out

I just tried the savior schnapps and am having the same issue. There are several guides online for that one which I follow exactly but everything still comes out “Unknown Potion”. Is my alchemy skill not high enough? It is only at 1…

Alchemy skill does not mater, if you do it exactly…

yeah that is strange man. You arent distilling every potion are you?

I figured it out. I made the mistake of watching some idiot on youtube that made a “Tutorial Video”. He used the still so I was doing the same thing. Thanks for the help guys. I feel dumb now lol

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If you feel dumb, just remember what my original question was LOL

I made sure to leave a comment on that tutorial video so that other people don’t blindly follow that guys terrible advice. Didn’t look like many people had seen the video yet so maybe it won’t be viewed much

Okay so you’re definitely making a mistake somewhere. I have brewed so many of these.
Double check:

  1. Make sure that you are BOILING the herbs when you add them, if it stops boiling whilst the “turn” is still going down then “pump it” once. I do this everytime and it works, everytime.
  2. Make sure you are grinding 2x of the belladonna. put your hand into the sack of belladonna, grab some, put it in the mortar. Put your hand in the sack again, grab some and put it in the mortar. Pick up the mortar and it will automatically grind it. Pour the contents into the small plate below. Take the plate and add the contents to the cauldron. Then boil it like it says :slight_smile:
  3. I always make sure the fire does not go out unless it says to let it “cool down” in the instructions. Not sure if this matters but I do it anyway.

If it still doesn’t work. Reply with your exact method of how you do things. Down to the last detail so we can work it out :slight_smile: