►Alpha 0.5 Bug List

I´am afraid it´s not a bug… I think it´s a gameplay element. Maybe WH try making save funktion easier… :unamused:
If you don´t put things in a chest or sell they are gone…
Another thing: you can´t Quest Items put into a chest or sell… :worried:

Okay, I was totally wrong! Normal Items…>

invalid access to memory location

could not access crysystem.dll (check working directory)

game ran fine on all previous versions

what went wrong and how can I fix this?


I think the game is not working properly with SLI

in 0.4 you could drop it and then pick it up back co i think this is just bug

No it’s not! But we got some TI cards from NVidia and we are optimizing the game to it! So expect a working SLI build in future!

BUG: Herb women agree to take care about wounded soldier but she still sit there or do some other stuff…so you cant finish quest

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Found this guy with new a quest. Although Henry speaks the guy doesnt have vioce sounds.

Also got stuck into a door near the sword guy.
It is a pighouse I guess

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  • I had 30 groshen
  • I bet 10 to beat beginner fighter
  • I win. As result I have 25 groshen (5 groshen less)

Now I want to try it again.

  • Bet 10 groshen
  • I loose
  • I end up with 0 groshen.

This is some medieval math!

EDIT: ok those 5 groshen are probably for the borrowed armour.


Dear Lord… No wonder the old man got the runs. Who knows what might be in that food…?!

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So I was sneaking around a Jerrys house.

I was crouched (though C key) and then I closed a door. What happen was after I closed them I did not return to the sneaking mode but the game still thought I am in the sneaking mode.
So I could not run and people were always asking what I was looking for…

After continue all the lockpicked chests are closed again and filled with the originale stuff…

The stolen item sign, red hand, (in the inventory) disappears after some actions…(maybe you use it, or steal something else, or put it into a chest…)

The old trouble with two persons on the same place…

After using a torch in the night I tried to mount the horse,… after mount and unmount I couldn´t use the torch again…

I have problem too :frowning: please help…

“Could not access CrySystem.dll (check working directory)”

Solved my Problem reinstaled the game

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Under game settings the is an option to change input style this is what assigns the appropriate UI for game pads. The game does not automatically know what your using so you can use both KBM and Gampe pad but you have to change the settings to get the UI for the on you want.

Horse doesnt avoid crashing to trees. Also he dont jump over obstacles by himself, he is like a car now :smiley:

Directional stabbing stoped working, i can only stab to the center of the star.

It is stil very hard to aim the second or third blow of my sword

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I did. Stil does not show the right UI. Bur thanks anyway :smile:

Hanry can fly!!!

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Did you set it to Xbox or PS?

PS has no icons, well at least did not in 0.4. works just fine for me when set to XBOX but there are the occasional Icons that do not show.


this is not a bug but actually a new feature.

If you press drop it moves the selected item to your horses newly added inventory.

If you press and hold drop you drop it on the ground.

Which can then be retrieved.