Alpha Bugs list

I’m getting constant driver crashes when i try to play the alpha. Is anyone else having this issue as well?

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You know how youre mom and dad always tell you to never dusturb people who are working?

Listen to them, or this can happend to you!


only on my first load up.

The major issue I have been having is Alchemy being totally broken not working at all, can’t even talk to the herbalist lady.

yes, that´s happening - the lady is probably very shy and not talkative :wink: Thanks!


Undefined text when you summerize your conclusions about the poisoning from jerry

-stuck many times at the herbalist when she send you away to collect items, when I come back she is just sitting at her bench and not responding to anything (the mug should be in her hand?)

-archery ranch loosing money because bow and arrows are disseapering after starting the archery contest. (Happens when you move away from the 2 wooden pillars)

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Maybe this helps:

You must differ: The bow and the arrows are always lost if you leave the place (with the 4 posts). That´s not a bug, it works this way…
The wanted to limit the free use of the bow.

BUT: Sometime you pay for the bow (and arrows) and don´t get them… that´s a bug.

Around the bow there are more bugs(and secrets), look at this:

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Ha, ha thx for the vid! I did realize everything except the “let him shoot you” exploit :smile: I came to know about the arrow and bow thing by accident. When I tried the archery ranch first time I shoot some arrows in front of me so they were not used, so when I went back and received my price and restarted I found them still laying arround at the spot :wink: