Also - Many Thanks

So I missed the original Kickstarter Campaign, but I could back the game over the website, 3 1/2 years ago.

  • First Alpha arrived and i was totaly overwhelmed. Samopesh was looking awesome at the first look.
    The forrest and the lighting flashed me. It was nice to see how the alpha evolved over the time -
    From “noclip” NPCs to working Quests and “auto-life simulation”. My Computer wasn’t that good at this time, so I couldn’t get the whole Graphic impact =(

After a few Updates and a lot time it was great to see how the game changed - Now starting at Talmberg and smashing some Kumans at Prybislawitz. This was the point that I knew I defintely needed a new Computer :smiley:

Right now I’ve spended 65 hours in the finished game (not finished the main quest yet) - and I can say I’ve never played a so historicaly, athmospheric masterpiece like this.
I only had a few bugs, but not that main quest breaking things or something else. Just some clipping fails.
Also it’s great that you are patching the game a lot. A lot developers wouldn’t to that in that short time.
I just love the setting - The whole Medieval/HRE setting as an RPG has so much potential for many more games like this.
I hope the second game will be as awesome like the first one.

Following the whole development was also great. Weekly Torch was awesome, also the big amount of Videos especially over the history elements like the armor and the monastery.

So this is just a big “Thanks a lot” to all developers for this great game - including the Soundtrack (AWESOME!), the Big Encyclopedia, the fighting system (my opinion), the great landscape with towns, villages, castles and churches and of course for everything else :wink:


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