An interview with Daniel Vávra about #gamergate

Colbert is brutal, and I respect the direct responses he has.

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Actualy, she never stops playing victim.


Yes? And what do you want to tell us with this link?

Doch irgendwie fällt mir dazu nur eines ein…
wenn alle sich jetzt erst über lügen in dieser branche aufregen,
Dann guten morgen auch! Schön das ihr die Tür seit der Wende auch mal wieder geöffnet habt.

Gamer-gate was given an interview on “The Colbert Report” which is a liberal comedy show in the USA. Colbert sided with Gamer-gate on the sexism in video games. Personally i believe no normal person is sexist. I think our future generations are educated enough to not be sexist. Obviously some video games are sexist. But to completely label the video game industry as sexist is unreal and completely baffling. Pacman and Ms. Pacman, the new Lara Croft (old lara croft was sort of sexist), Mirror’s Edge!, Donkey Kong(don not know her name but female donkey kong kicked ass), Halo Series(female marines and female Spartans), Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Animal Crossing, Mario Party Series, Metroid Series, Mario Kart Series, Wii Sports, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. These are video games i got from Wikipedia as games that have sold more than 1 million copies( games that have impacted history), these are video games of our childhood and if Gamer-gate really wants to push their agenda. Mario is on their list, because essentially Mario has to save the defenseless princess NOT because of LOVE but because its totally sexist, and Mario is a Misogynist Italian A-hole.

ye i did wach that video too want to put it in my slef but is no need for now :stuck_out_tongue: in my opinion we must stup peppol wining about male games what day gonna do next ban porn and the playboy women have women magazine too you don’t see us wining about it ore how about when you go to a restaurant i never see the women standing up to pay the bill

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what gives you the idea that criticism is harassment, and what gives you the idea that they are being criticized/harassed for being female?

i await your logical and well thought out response.

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Criticism can certainly be used to harass people. But I don’t know what that has to do with anything. As I said in my post, I basically don’t know what #gamergate is about. I got the feeling that people are claiming it was about ethics in video game journalism? But some people claim it is mostly about harassing women, as they do on the Colbert Report segment.

I just posted the video because I am big fan of both Anita Sarkeesian and Stephen Colbert, so I was very happy that she got invited on his show. It will help her get more audience. It is supposedly because #gamergate, and she was mentioned in this thread, so I found it relevant. Strange that her name gets mentioned so much in the context of #gamergate, one of the major figures it seems, considering that she is certainly not a video game journalist, only someone who has a video channel on youtube. Makes one wonder…

Well, look on her twitter feed and you will know. She desperately tries to make it about her. She repeatedly lies about gamergate, repeatedly tweets about gamergate and drags attention to her. If there wasn’t that “harassment” she claims she recieves, no one would give a shit about her, and definitely not Colbert. Still makes you wonder?

It’s acutally funny because those 3 most famous “harassed” women literaly argue with each other who is the most harassed one. Opression olympics at its finest.


it has reached self parody levels of ridiculousness.

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Hm, I see. Thanks for the explanation. I do not read her twitter. I am only a fan of her Feminist Frequency videos, her Tropes vs. Women series is fun.

Well, too bad that #gamergate does not have any person with the Anita-level mad twitter skillz, as she apparently managed so completely grab the attention of the main stream media. I don’t understand twitter, but I guess some people are very good at it. :wink:

I know, they are harassed almost equally according to the Newsweek article It is silly of them to make a competition out of it.

Oh I beg you, don’t ever take seriously any article about gamergate from newsweek. They are so retarded there that even strongly anti-GG people aknowledged that their analysis is just a piece of crap.

Just one thing for everything. Their own analysis in that article shows that over 90% of tweets recieved by these women are NEUTRAL, and the rest is positive or negative. And then they compared negative with positive, and because there were more negative than positive tweets, they concluded that gamergate is about harassment and made a headline about it, completely ignoring the fact that more than 90% WERE NEUTRAL, according to THEIR fucking analysis.

This kind of articles is exactly the reason why people like you who don’t care about this controversy (which is completely fine), have this idea that gamergate is about harassment. No, it’s not. The problem here is that gamergate fights againsts journalists and they fight back the only way they know - with lies and propaganda. If you would actualy know what’s going on here, you would be blown away by the full extent of manipulations and lies published by journalists, and we are speaking about media like BBC, MSNBC or Washington post,…

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No. The problem here is the disproportionate amount of whining invective from deluded malcontents who imagine they’ve stumbled upon a dramatic conspiracy. Ie, children who have just discovered that the tooth fairy is a lie.

Ten short rants about #LamerGate

The media is usually banal, not motivated enough to be conspiratorial, and NOT YOUR LIFE COACH.

#CatGate - Rise and be Counted!


I feel like this whole affair has only led to making some a bit too much vocal people unnecessarily famous.
I can’t help but wonder how much of this was fueled/started by trolls entirely (4chan and others). Especially the death threaths/raids flying everywhere which is pretty much troll trademark.

However Vavra is IMO right that enforcing political correctness seems to be a shiny new way to employ censorship of art and mind. Here in Czech rep., I’m sure most people can see the similarities of this to the ways of Real socialism.


Anita is a bitch that makes shit up about games to try and get attention. She doesn’t care if its positive or negative.

you mean like the moronic idea of a patriarchy?

and once again, no one is saying this is new, stupid. they’re just saying they’ve had enough of it :wink:

Look. The world couldn’t care how cute our personal misconceptions are. When we’re acting like a horde of juvenile delinquents in public we should expect to be called to task for it.

Make no mistake. Getting our knickers knotted over something which has been around since the days of the travelling snake oil merchant is just sad. Imagining it makes a difference? Dysfunctionally so.

Engaging in the sort of bigotry and anti-social behaviour that 4chan wallows in? Bordering on full psychosis.