An interview with Daniel Vávra about #gamergate

These are women supporting gamergate. Men vs women? Really? :slight_smile:

yes okay than i will never understand what they want from us.
God damn people.
So for this complicated topic i will say, i spit of all of them.
Create Games and **** the others.

And again to hard to write it down -.-

Memo at myself, “Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”

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Men dont hate women feminists actually hate men. There is a huge difference. Imagine if we complained as much as feminists did we would be called sexist pigs.

No, they dont. They hate (or dislike) gender inequality.

LOOOOOL are you serious right now?? enjoy the link sir

"The dynamic is not male vs. female but consumer vs. media and victim vs. bullies. "

Great quote and sums it up nicely. From where I sit, if you’re still arguing anything but consumer vs media or victims vs bullies, you’ve allowed yourself to be distracted from the root issue.

Personally, I’m amused that these media outlets are so defensive about being called out for corruption and cronyism. The “big boys” (as usual) are still well distanced from all this and probably laughing at the PR fiasco tht continues to hamstring these indie outlets… they couldn’t ask for better disruption of their competition than this.

As to the continuing polarization and bullying of people on either “side”, it’s just pathetic. I feel like an alien among humanity and am quite pissed that it seems the mothership is late. (wry grin)

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Yes I am. Please study the history of feminism (e.g. De Beauvoir who surely didn’t hate Sartre) and don’t be so easily deceived by the contemporary mass-media picture of the topic. (Or ANY topic.)

(I hope you won’t deny evident merits of feminism - e.g. universal suffrage.)

I think the problem is that while real feminists are fine and dandy, there are a very vocal minority of females (just like males) that spew ignorance and hate. I’ve seen arguments where women even said that for a woman to have pleasure during sex with a man was a perpetuation of the patriarchy lol. It’s the same for the vocal minority of males that make rape jokes and such. There is hardly a place for moderates anymore as it seems that you have to be extreme to one side or the other or you won’t be acknowledged. Personally, I identify as a humanist who expects everyone to be truly equal and treated exactly the same. Technically all true feminists are humanists.

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Social media. Definitely my go-to source for informed debate and cogent arguments.

Yeah, I can see your debate and cogent arguments. Maybe you shouldn’t post if you have nothing to say…

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There is nothing to say because there is nothing to debate.

Apparently plenty manufactured drama to whine about, though, so it’s got that going for it.

[How #Lamergate gave the geek community a bad name][1]

Reality check; you are the only one whining here. This is a gamergate thread. If you have nothing to add and just want to whine, you better gtfo. Thanks.

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Not sure if #gamergate is about anything more than harassing women at this point, or if it ever was, but it at least managed to get Anita Sarkeesian to The Colbert Report :wink: So I guess I should be thankful.

Yeah it wasn’t bad, these events are great for keeping gamergate alive. Many people joined us thanks to it. It’s only a shame that they didn’t broadcast the whole interview and cut out the part where he pushed her to the corner.

How do you know that if it wasn’t broadcasted???

Because there is something like live audience?

#Gamergate is nothing more than social justice warriors complaining that women are misrepresented in both video games and the video game industry. It started as people voicing their concerns over the legitimacy of ethics in games journalism (Zoe Quinn was found to have been sleeping with a guy who gave her game favorable mentions in 2 articles he wrote on 2 different sites). Here’s a good video of the self proclaimed “Factual Feminist” even saying that these people are taking it too far.

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Ah, ok. I didn’t know that it was live streamed.

No, it wasn’t. There was just live audiance when they shoot it and some guy who was there said what happened there. Colbert was quite hard on her, but it was probably too much so they rather went with the more funny part.

In defense of Colbert, when anybody goes a little too hard on her, she seems to shrink back and play victim.