Anna of Warhorsia accused of witchcraft

@Anna of Warhorsia,
for putting our bearded pard Daniel @Hellboy Vávra inside an enchanted box and making him repeatedly hit himself in the face – with his own right fist clad in iron, not the left, and not that of another --, we hereby accuse thee of witchcraft!

There can be only one punishment adequate for such a wicked deed: death by burning at the stake!

What sayest thou in thy defense, person of the female race?


Trial by combat :smile:

How do you know she is a witch?

Will this suffice?

You wanted burning steak right? :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley:


She looks like one!

Witch Village - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube


Well, I was just crafting some wax figurines, while I discovered this thread. I suppose I should make some more and start putting some needles into them. :slight_smile: :wink:


Yes, please. Gimme a steak!

I think the Devs should match their design strategy to that movie.
All in all it screams realism and besides, the implementation of horses would be that much cheaper…

The sparrow research, however, would probably be prohibitively expensive.

Ummmm… it’s a bit on the, uh - how to nicely put it? - ‘burnt all to shit’ side. I’m gonna soak it in some water and you can have it after @sutton_hoo determines you are not a witch :wink:

Gosh… never thought 'bout it… you mean, I can’t go around randomly accusing people of things?

Nay, let her prove her innocence first!

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Dammit i saw that right before lunch now im hungry as hell.