Another fucking bug - Siege quest - FIXED

Doing all the stuff in this quest: get meat, beer, priest, physician, cockerel potion etc etc
all works fine except for beer
from previous experience i knew Andrew is the only innkeeper who will sell to you so i went to him first.
Talked him into it using the speech option as usual, success, he said he would send the booze. Only the quest log did not update, not when i spoke to him and not when i finished speaking to him, there is still just a big “g” over him.
I know i got the correct result out of him because things went exactly like they did the previous 4 times i played the game through.
Now i cant get ale off anyone, went to all the innkeepers and they all refused.

There’s a fucking bug? Is Theresa raping Henry again?

Henry wishes… :wink:


theresa with that 14 inch Cuman strap on

Are Czech penises much different from Cuman penises? Maybe we’ll find out in the sequel!

nvm, when you talk to andrew the quest log will not update but you can still tell the quartermaster that you have found some ale
quest still works, its just the quest log/marker that it bugged

Put it simple, it is not a bug.

kinda, the quest marker does not change and their is no indication you have done what you are supposed to
the quest marker used to change when you did what you were meant to