Any help for backers?

we are a lot of people without any key or link for steam, we all tried to reach support, community manager or anyone to help us and no answer anywhere. all we got is a generic answer like: go to your profile and click the button… how are we supposed if we dont have any???

thanks for you help but we feel fooled, we backed and help this studio and this game 4 years ago but cant have the game and the new one who never heard of the game 1 week ago can play…


Not fooled, also fucked.

If they already have our money, they doesn’t care about our complains.

That is how i feel.


@WH_JiriRydl can you please take a look at this?
They’ve been trying for some days now to get their keys working



thats how i feel too but i didnt want to use this word :sweat_smile:

thanks for your help

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It feels like once they had our money, they stopped caring about us and started caring only about new customers spending their money at the time of the release.


Yeah, “thanks” for fuck off my holiday i asked to play this game.
(irony mode on) Nice one, surely I will fund another of your games!

count with me, warehouse studios from now on!! (irony mode off)


But I dont have the Game in Steam Library

the /cry does it really works?

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maybe we pushed just enough

got it too

thanks for your help warhorse team!

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I’m still waiting. . .

Same here! I got a baron tier digital copy of the game i played the beta on steam and now i can’t link the game to my steam account because there is no option to do that :sob:

try to contact @WH_JiriRydl via PM

or wait and see

It’s working! thank you !

At least “PC Windows” appeared under platform. So they’re working on it. But still no key.

Same issue