Any kind of character editing system?

Dear All,

I was on Skalitz and I spends quite a lot of time gathering all of the herbs until I got “herbalist” to 10.
Then i finish the quests … and the game found a bug and it closed.
Of course I have little to no interest to go back to the tedious task of gathering ALL of the herbs of skalitz again, and of course, i was not expecting any issue, so i didn not sleep or use one of my shots.

So i wanted to edit my character to gave him that bonus, instead of doing this tedious task again, any clue of how can i do it?


maybe you can use the cheat mod for that

In my experience, this is would be first step to ruin everything.


i’m with you… BUT…
when u spend hours and hours playing a game, reach some goals, finish a lot of quests, got a lot of progress and then… the game itself destroys everything because its full of bugs… it ruins everything, too…
so whats your solution proposal ?
in my eyes its legitime.
(i’ve got 180+ ingame hours, found a lot of bugs, can’t actually finish the game and i did not cheat at all but i can comprehend his decision)

But actually herbalist skill is not too hard to get, Its my only skill that I have maxed out atm

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But why even bother with it in the first place? -_-
There are plenty of opportunities to level up herbalism, and herbs there aren’t exclusive.

I know only one game, which i paid for and can’t actually finish — Squadron 42.
My proposal? I do not have it. For some reason, you could get first experience of the game only once, i decided to wait 1.3 patch as minimum requirement to getting this experience on main quest, at least.
This situation is not right, it’s not supposed to happen, but desperate times call for desperate measures, this measure is a patience for me.

Icollected all the herbs in Skallitz during the tutorial… i was a master herbalist before ever leaving.

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