Hello Y’all.
I’m pretty new to this game but I’m having a lot of trouble making bows worth a shit. They are pretty impossible to actually aim; the trajectory and speed of the arrow seemingly changing drastically at all moments during pulling the arrow back. And the heavy sway makes the aiming that much more difficult.
And even if I do hit my target, if it’s a person, it seems to pretty much just stun them and give me a slight head start on their health. Which is not that worth it considering I generally kill entire camps via Batman-Arkham-Asylum-ing them to death with timed blocks and parties.
It seems only useful when hunting. But even then, hitting anything that isn’t completely still, stuck on a branch, or moving laterally at a snail’s pace generally dodges all my arrows. And so if I go out with 100 arrows, I might get like 8-10 hares and 2 deer/roe along with maybe a level in Hunting. Doesn’t seem worth it tbh.
Do I just suck? Some of you seem like you got pro gamer strats or something but I haven’t made it work. Or are bows just trash?