Arena fight mode

It would be so cool if there was Arena mod like in Witcher 2. No story just pure fighting.

I really like this idea… They might have it in the game, I am not sure

Wait, there is no arena/tournament mode? That was promised in one of the achieved kickstarter stretch goals

I don’t know if it part of the story but I ment something like Arena mode option in main menu.

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Well, I definitely understood the tournament mode stretch goal as a separate game mode accessible from the menu, not part of the game story.

Here are the stretch goals descriptions:

Yeah so achieved but it is not in the game strange right? :grinning:

Dog companion is achieved you can kill a dog and his meat will be dog companion :grin:

Well, the cancellation of the dog companion was communicated a while back. It was hinted that it may come back as a DLC that will be free for backers (these were just hints, not hard promises that such DLC will be made).

But I don’t remember anything about the tournament mode being scrapped.

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What about a playable female?

Retarded idea IMO due to the role of women at the time (not to mention differences in physical strength), but it’d be interesting to see how it was implemented.

Playable female was also cancelled as were crossbows and linux/mac versions. I’m not sure if there’s any chance of getting these back.

They sold half a million copy’s… So… They will have to bring a lot of what fans want into the game if they want to keep their fan base. I mean that’s a lot of money, they could put more weapons into the game

did anyone find this quest?

Thank you I’ve been looking for this I gues I just have to talk to sir hanush after doing the heresy quest

and what exactly will you be doing if you play as a female work at the bathhouse?? this is a historically accurate game and at that time women didn’t fight.

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I have 60h in game, and i found notning about tournament :disappointed: