Hello there. Is it not an idea to add some ingame itemes to the artbook and the OST beacause I think more people woud buy it. Because an artbook is nice to have but you will look in it for a few times and thats it. So with a lot of games I will not buy it or it has to be a few dollars or has something extra in it.

So tell me what you think

What items would you propose?

For the artbook you coud add a artist outfit or a joker outdit. For the OST you coud add music instruments that you can play but that woud be to much work I think. Stuff like that, it does not have to be something major but just something nice to have. To get the stuff in game they can make it an random Encounter of someone that has the items for you and tells how great you are:P

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Yeah, meeting some funny jester that gives you some short but funny quest would be a very fine idea. This could be also some fellow wanderer from foreign country + some easter egg to find following hints :wink: . Not just another treasure to dig up but something with a story.