Ausruh - Energie

Es gibt ja verschiedene Werte, auf die man im Spiel Acht geben sollte wie Essen, Ausdauer, Leben und Ausruhen. Nur erschließt sich mir nicht, wie ich den Ausruhen - Wert wieder auffüllen kann. Wenn ich schlafe tut sich nichts, sondern zieht sogar noch etwas ab, wie am Tag. Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?

Das scheint ein Bug zu sein. @ProkyBrambora, he can´t recover from sleep, is there a reason for this?

I fear that just this information is not enough.

We will need to know, what was happening before getting to bed (any crime commited? any buffs/debuffs? any quests in progress? and just anything that comes to mind)
Also what exact bed at what exact time it was.
Was it after load? or from New game?

And finally what exactly means " can´t recover from sleep", is screen stuck at time skip UI or is there a black screen? (a screenshot would be great.

Sleeps just don´t do anything. He is getting more and more tired.

So it goes like this?

  • Henry is tired
  • goes to bed
  • after sleeping, exhaustion is at same level

Isn it possible that he is just waiting instead of sleeping?

@m4rqu4rdt, sprichst du englisch oder soll ich für dich übersetzen?

It was like this:

  • Henry’s rest is at around 83%
  • I’m going to the bed in the big windmill and sleep 12 hours
  • after that his rest is at 80% and didn’t recover
    I thought that the rest recovers when you sleep

Ah… okay! Yes this is true, this bed does have only 80% comfort as far as I know, so you can only restore 80% of energy from it, because you don´t sleep well.

So where can I find better beds? This type of bed is the only one I saw.

I believe thatin houses in talmberk you can find better "beds"
They are more like benches with fur on them. They will probably have 100% comfort. Though I cannot say for sure.

Ok thank you both for your help.